Best Practice for devices that are not always powered or get relocated?

  • Last Post 01 February 2017
f0ggy987 posted this 30 January 2017

I have some devices that are either:

a) not always plugged in - such as appliance switches I use exclusively during winter for indoor Christmas lights

b) Physically relocated - outdoor switches used for Christmas lights at the front of the house over the holiday period, then moved to the rear of the house for deck lighting during the summer

How should I be handling these devices to ensure optimal network performance? I feel like devices being missing or routes not as expected may at worse cause problems, at best hinder performance?

When these devices aren't plugged in/powered I see a lot of warnings about missed polls in the event log (which makes sense). Is there any way to reconfigure the network to 'skip' these devices? I see an option in the properties for 'mark offline after failed poll attempts' - should I be using that?

What is the best thing to do every time I physically move a device? How do I make it relearn the routes/topology? Is that what the 'heal network' option is used for?

Should I be using the 'smart route' polling option? the description isn't clear on when this should be used. I have an Aeotec Gen5 controller.

In both the scenerios outlined above, I'm hoping there is an easier/more efficient option than to keep including/excluding the devices everytime I want to repurpose them.



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rscott posted this 31 January 2017

You are correct, both those scenarios can hamer the routing of your network. If you use "heal" or "re-discovery neighbors" on the devices after you move them, it can sometimes help (to find these commands, go to your z-wave command/network topology menu).

Removing a device completely is not recommended for the same reason; if it's part of the network, the network may try to use it to route commands. 

To handle the polling issue, you can double click the device and tell it not to poll. This won't help with routing, but it'll at least tell Axial to not poll the device and waste resources on it.

nelis249 posted this 01 February 2017

Hmm why would 'removing the device completely' not help? If the device is removed and unpaired it isn't on the network at all shouldn't be in the routing sequence.

I'd say your best bet for 'temporary' zwave devices is to completely remove it and unpair it from your Zwave network. Then when you want to use it, re-pair (hah pun). What sucks about this is if you have scenes set up you'd have to recreate them every time (as re-adding the devices give them new id's).

And yes this seems clunky in the grand scheme of things but that's the way the zwave protocol works

Alternative (eh): Daisy chain the plugs altogether and then plug them into and outlet out of site. Then you don't have to do anything with Axial.

rscott posted this 01 February 2017

Just to clarify - I mean to say that removing power from the device (i.e, unplugging it) doesn't help. Excluding it from the network does.


