Command Line Utility Setup Questions.. RE: adamcaz

  • Last Post 02 March 2019
Rod posted this 26 December 2012

Hi Rod, if you open your InControl HA server software > go to 'Options' > 'Connection' and check you have a password set.

If you don't have a password set please set one - this password is what you use in the .config file that comes with InControlCMD.exe.

If you have any problems please let me know. I'll be keeping and eye on this thread now.

- AdamCaz.

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adamcaz posted this 27 December 2012

Hi Rod, if you open your InControl HA server software > go to 'Options' > 'Connection' and check you have a password set.

If you don't have a password set please set one - this password is what you use in the .config file that comes with InControlCMD.exe.

If you have any problems please let me know. I'll be keeping and eye on this thread now.

- AdamCaz.

Rod posted this 28 December 2012


Thanks for the quick response. I've been playing around with it to try and make it work via a bat file.

@echo off
Start "" "C:\InControlCMD.exe" /d:{79ec99a3-6655-4253-8af1-1d6ee24a5778} /p:50

I also tried
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Moonlit Software, LLC\InControl HA\InControlCMD.exe" in case I needed to put it into the same folder as the launch exe...

I have edited the config file with my server IP and server password. Still no go.. ideas?

adamcaz posted this 28 December 2012

Hi Rod, if you have:


the same same directory you can create a batch file in the same directory with just the following:

incontrolcmd.exe /d {DeviceID} /p 0

(Please note that the functionality has changed and there are now spaces between the switches and the arguments. This may have been your problem!! Sorry!)

At home I use the following to switch off two lights:

(My .exe is located in a c:\InControlCMD directory)

c:\InControlCMD\incontrolcmd.exe /d {3335bf9d-a4c5-42ca-8c80-31b0b83eba41},{3945da9e-ede6-4e91-b13e-9564f9c827cd} /p 0

I hope this helps!

- AdamCaz.

Rod posted this 28 December 2012

Alright.. I figured it out!

So I put the server ip and password in the {} ... I was only able to see that it wasn't parsing the command running it manually in a command prompt. All good. Thanks so much! Awesome script!

MadSci posted this 23 February 2013

Where can I find the exe and config files required to do this? I can't log into or download on that old website.


adamcaz posted this 25 February 2013

Hi Guys, you can always find the latest version of InControlCMD here:

- AdamCaz.

MadSci posted this 27 February 2013

Hi Guys, you can always find the latest version of InControlCMD here:

- AdamCaz.

Thanks man. Works great in EventGhost. I have the livingroom light switch on my Logitech remote now! I just had to remove the curly brackets for the device ID in the command line options to get it to work.

adamcaz posted this 27 February 2013

Good to see it's working! That's a great idea using it with EventGhost so you can use your normal remotes with InControl..
I have also updated the post too to use DeviceID's without brackets with InControlCMD - Thanks very much for finding that..
-AdamCaz. posted this 06 November 2013

Hi all,

If anyone out there can help me get this running in eventghost that would be great. I have eventghost setup to run the .exe but nothing happens.


adamcaz posted this 06 November 2013

Hi all,

If anyone out there can help me get this running in eventghost that would be great. I have eventghost setup to run the .exe but nothing happens.


Hi, there's more information here on the correct command line options you should be using for InControlCMD:

InControlCMD on TechNinja

Hopefully this will shed some light on what to put into your command line options in EventGhost. I use EvenGhost with IncontrolCMD and it works great! Let me know if you get stuck..

-AdamCaz. posted this 06 November 2013

Did you have to do anything special? When I run my macro the cmd window popups for about 1 second then goes away. Nothing happen after that. Do I need the {} or do I leave them? Can you take screenshot of your Eventghost macro and action?


adamcaz posted this 06 November 2013

[]Did you have to do anything special? When I run my macro the cmd window popups for about 1 second then goes away. Nothing happen after that. Do I need the {} or do I leave them? Can you take screenshot of your Eventghost macro and action?

Thanks Steven [/quote]

Did you look at the techninja article? It explains whether you need brackets or not (you don't) and the correct format for the command line switches..

Here's a look at my action in EventGhost:

I would personally try to get it working from the command line with your selected devices first then expand out to EventGhost once you have it working.

-AdamCaz. posted this 24 January 2019


has anyone found a better alternative to incontrolcmd.exe as a way to push commands into the axial software?

nelis249 posted this 30 January 2019

I use powershell, php, and curl. What are you tying to do? I have never actually used the .exe. posted this 31 January 2019

i connect an rfid sensor to a computer. when the right tag is passed, i want the computer to open the lock controlled by axial.

also wondered if it can be easily done toa wink hub.

nelis249 posted this 03 February 2019

Create a scene with the lock to 'unlock' it, then use powershell to look up the scene id.

$data = @{  password = "anypw" }

$json = $data | ConvertTo-Json

(Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri "" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $json) | select sceneName, sceneId


This will output the scene name with the GUIDs for the scenes. Find the GUID for the scene you just created. Then to activate the scene run this powershell command.

$data = @{ 

sceneId = "<the scene GUID from the above step>";

password = "anypw";

activate = "true";


$json = $data | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-RestMethod -Method PUT -Uri "" -ContentType "application/json" -Body $json


You can put this into a script to and just run the script whenever the scensor goes off.

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -f somescript.ps1


The question I have is what is reading the "right tag is passed" event? Axial wouldn't be doing that so I'm assuming you have some method for that trigger to 'activate' a script. posted this 11 February 2019

i wrote software that monitors a rfid reader and sends instructions to the axialcontrol server when a valid entry condition is triggered.


My environment does not offer to put http instructions as you outlike above.

nelis249 posted this 14 February 2019

'wrote software'... What platform is it on? What language is it written in? There's always a way to perform http requests, some are just mroe complex than others. I've written basic web gets in C++ so unless you're writting assembly, well then maybe not, lol.

The example I gave above would be powershell scripting on a Windows platform (the same platform Axial is running on). posted this 15 February 2019

autoit v3 on windows 10.

ypu can get and post but not put.

nelis249 posted this 21 February 2019

Ok, according to this link,,  you can run powershell from it.

Runwait("powershell.exe c:\Mytest.ps1", "", @SW_HIDE)

SHouldn't be a problem to use the example I gave.


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