Android app changes for kiosk role

  • Last Post 14 March 2017
sundansx posted this 16 July 2016

I have a couple of android tablet mounted to my wall as home controllers running your Andoird app.  There are some simple things that I would like to see changed:

1.  When a disconnect happens, change the boarder color to red and try to automatically try to reconnect indefinately (it would resume the black border when connected).  I could see this as bad for a phone, but an option like "use dialogs" to put it in this mode would be good.  I have to go to the tablet and press a dialog every time I restart my axial server or restart my router.

2.  An indication that a device communication has failied.  Maybe put an asterick on a button to inidcate that a device or subdevice has failed communication and what you are looking at is not accurate.

3. Lock scrolling.  Sometimes I try to press a buttion and my finger slides a little and it is rejected as a scroll event.  This would even be more useful as a quick button on the red bar.

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jonnysax posted this 06 March 2017

I second, making a kiosk version of the app.  It would be great to find a use for an old phone or tablet!

tnamey posted this 08 March 2017

I used to have a real need for this feature, even used tasker to create a UI from scratc. Since the addition of geofencing and alexa, I hardly ever look at the app anymore. I've changed my wall tablets to display things like calendar, weather and local camera access. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have the option, just adding my updated perspective.

jonnysax posted this 09 March 2017

geofencing is a great option for my wife and I to turn the security system on and off, but i still want either a good scene controller or wall tablet for my kids and grandparents to be able to control the system during the day.  

sundansx posted this 09 March 2017

Agreed.  My wife and kids use the tablets.  I also look at the screen to make sure my 3 zwave deadbolts are locked when I go to bed or I leave the house.  Sometimes, like after a heal, the locks default to 'locked' and give a false impressions of the state.

jonnysax posted this 14 March 2017

ok so here is my plan for my security system... I have an old nexus phone and an old nexus tablet lying around... I'm gonna use my existing security systme panel wires to run a 5v power source for these and mount them to the wall.  I'll have to tweak the power supply to adjust for resistance along the lines... but i think it will work.  I will be either keeping the app up on the screen or using widget buttons to activate and deactivate the system.  I'll post my findings when I get them.  
