Association question

  • Last Post 18 January 2017
jtb239 posted this 18 January 2017

Hello, I updated from the Gen 3 Zstick to the Gen 5, several months ago. Unfortunately, I did something wrong in the process and lost functionality of ALL of my window/door sensors, garage door tilt sensor, etc. I have tried deleting the devices and repairing them to the new controller, but they refuse to pair. At this point, I would like to wipeout my entire installation and just reinstall device by device. My concern is that these items are associated with the OLD controller and won't pair with the new one? Is that how it works? Does anyone have any tips as to how I can get these stubborn devices to work? All of my switches are fine, just these other sensor-type devices. Any help is appreciated! Thank you

rscott posted this 18 January 2017

If you exclude each sensor using your z-stick (you can use the old or the new), you'll be able to re-include them to your new Gen 5.

Also, I'm not sure how you transferred your network, but if that's indeed what you did, you might just wake each of your sensors up and use the "Associations" button to set your Gen 5 USB stick as one of the items, then uncheck it for your old USB stick. Here's some info on associations.
