Support for Google Home

  • Last Post 01 October 2020
rabdallah posted this 28 May 2017

Is there a plan to add support for google home?



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rscott posted this 31 May 2017

Yes, it's in the plan. We are waiting for it to mature a little bit more, as their current implementation is rumored to be changing.

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  • rabdallah
  • Dignan17 posted this 31 October 2017

Any further updates?

rscott posted this 31 October 2017

No updates as of yet. It's on the radar to go back and reinvestage if their smart home offerings are more matured yet. posted this 09 December 2017

Is IFTTT an option for using Google Home? G Home is much better at natural language and much more intelligent than Amazon. I can no longer find Axial/InControl on IFTTT.

nelis249 posted this 10 December 2017

@pawight... when you say something like 'much better' it assumes you have both devices and are comparing them side by side. is that the case?

rscott posted this 11 December 2017


You can use the Maker channel for IFTTT integration with Axial Control.

jalexander319 posted this 09 January 2018

Just bumping this up as I would also like to see a plugin for Google Home. We got some as gifts and love them and I do not want to have to switch to Amazon or have both.

rscott posted this 15 March 2018

The app for Google Home is currently being reviewed. I expect it to be approved shortly! Snag the plugin from our store so you are ready:

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  • PMartineau
PMartineau posted this 26 March 2018

I bought the plug in but still not seeing the axial control in google home ? Is it available ?

rscott posted this 26 March 2018

@PMartineau Just waiting on Google's OK. I jumped the gun on announcing it here - I had assumed it would only take a few hours as Google is generally pretty quick. It's been a couple weeks though, and no response from the Google review team. Hopefully soon! posted this 04 April 2018

Has Google given any update?  I'm still not seeing it available.

rscott posted this 04 April 2018

When I emailed them last week, they mentioned that it takes "a while" to complete reviews for smart home apps. Googling around revealed some people who have waited for up to a month.

I feel bad that I even mentioned this before it was ready. :)

rscott posted this 19 April 2018

Well, as an update...

I heard back from Google; they congratulated us for writing a smart home app that made it as far as it did in their testing and approval process (yay!).  However, the next step is that Google wants to us to send 2 pairs of every device that Axial supports to a 3rd party for actual hands-on testing and verification. 

Needless to say, I think this process is going to take a considerable amount of time. For anyone who pre-purchased the plugin for google's home asisstant, you can send us a message and request a refund. Sorry about that!

I'll continue to update this thread as the process moves forward.



stbluesrul posted this 19 April 2018


That's a little outrageous on Google's part.  There are multiple apps on there that support zwave devices.  There's no way other companies/apps did that kind of testing being that there are thousands of zwave products.

MadSci posted this 23 April 2018

Wow, that sucks. What the hell google. You should tell them that getting approval from Amazon was way easier ;)

mfsiii posted this 24 May 2018

This sounds like a great add-on! Is there any way I can vote or something on Google's site to promote it? It's funny, when I go check their apps for the google assistant, if you type in Axial it'll show "Axial Control" in the search with the correct icon, but the results don't bring up anything.

rscott posted this 24 May 2018

Supposedly it was approved, which is why you can type it in to see it in the directory, but there's a bug that is preventing it from displaying. I'm told this is impacting many skills, now it's just a matter of Google fixing it *crosses fingers* 

mfsiii posted this 12 July 2018

It looks like they got part of it working:

However, it doesn't find the entry on google home itself. I went ahead and bought the plugin though...

PMartineau posted this 13 November 2018

Hi, any news or developpement on the google assistant plug-in ? I've tried the link above but still doesn't seem to work.


Giunka posted this 26 December 2018

Hi there, Santa Claus brought me google home mini and I bought the plug-in but it does not work. how proceed with the development?

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