A while back I upgraded to Version 4.0.5770 and noticed it added blind and shade controller support. I dug out my Monoprice 'Curtain Module Relay' and added it to InControl HA no problem. It fist appeared as a dimmer so I changed the device type to BlindShadeController and Up, Down and Stop buttons appeared and worked correctly for this relay module.
There is a problem using the device in a scene. The Stop function does not work. The device also doesn't show (only Off and On) reliably on mobile devices (iOS). Perhaps these things can be fixed in a future release.
Also, maybe eventually we could get a new mobile device category (iOS) where blinds/shades/curtains show with appropriate close, stop, open buttons or down, stop, up as the case may be.
Just my suggestions as inexpensive DIY motorized blinds and curtain rods are available. Many have options to control via IR or relay closure and can be easily automated.
Blind / Shade / Curtain Control
- Last Post 04 December 2015
posted this
04 December 2015