Would be great to have IFTTT Channel for InControl so we can use location service and other service integrate with InControl. Right now Wemo, Philipps HUE, SmartThings do have existing channels so it would be great if InControl would also check this out and implment InControl Channel for IFTTT App
Channel for IFTTT App
- Last Post 07 December 2015
We need this. Please add this feature.
I would like to see this too
I was about to start a new thread about this, but IFTTT integration works right now in a roundabout way - you have to use the IFTTT 'maker' channel.
* If you want InControl to be a recipe trigger you send a HTTP request from InControl to the maker channel.
* If you want InControl to be an recipe action you send a HTTP request to InControl from the maker channel (you would need port forwarding setup for this second one to work)
It's not quite as user friendly as a native channel, but it does work. The only downside is IFTTT makes no guarantees about timeliness of HTTP requests via the maker channel - 99% of the time they are as-good-as instantaneous for me, but on a rare occasion there will be a delay (sometimes hours!). I would imagine the same would be true of a native app though as well. Basically, don't rely on it for anything critical :-)
Hey guys, if you haven't already, go throw some votes at the IFTTT idea on our idea forum found here: http://incontrolha.uservoice.com/forums/218427-general/suggestions/5436845-incontrol-channel-for-ifttt-app
If you want updated info on when it's complete, be sure to signin instead of voting anonymously.