Device Association: Always good to do

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  • Last Post 28 March 2016
Ryan-Scott posted this 08 May 2013

For best results, you should try to associate all your devices with the USB stick that InControl uses. Association has many perks:

- Reports such as motion, battery level, power consumption, etc. are sent to the associated z-wave device. This means that when you associate a device with the USB stick, InControl will be able to use and display those reports. It also means that if you do not have associations setup, some devices may not function within InControl.
- Associating light switches and dimmers will send instant notifications to InControl when the device is turned on at the wall or by using another controller.

Make sure you use the Beta Z-Wave Controller before setting up an association.

The easiest way to associate a device with your USB stick is by right clicking the device and choosing "Auto-Configure." If you are doing this with a device that's battery powered you will need to make sure the device is awake. See your users manual on how to wake it up.

You can also use the Associations button. Click the device, then wake it (if needed), and click the associations button. Find your USB stick and check it. Close the page.

To verify an association, you can click the associations and make sure that the USB stick is checked when the screen loads.

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Axial-User posted this 21 May 2013

Note that devices may not support associations. For example, I have a slew of light switches that do not support it. If looking to purchase equipment I'd recommend looking them up on the Zwave database if requiring association features.

Switches I have:


rostor posted this 28 March 2014

just a question, I read on the manual of my fibaro swithcers that usually the Group 3 is their suggested group for the association.
What do you suggest the Group 1 or 3 ?

Ryan-Scott posted this 28 March 2014

just a question, I read on the manual of my fibaro swithcers that usually the Group 3 is their suggested group for the association.
What do you suggest the Group 1 or 3 ?

It depends on the device. The reason to associate to the USB controller is so that when someone operates the switch manually, it'll send a BASIC_SET to the USB stick that can be used to show that the device is on or off. This eliminates the need to poll.

In the end, pick the group that works. Most devices seem to work with Group 1 -- at least in the USA.

Qubino posted this 17 April 2015

Button 1 on the wall Switch - changes the symbol (Power on/off) in Incontrol
Button 2 on the wall switch - Nothing happens in Incontrol, even thou I created a switch out of that End
Point (nr 2). I have associated the Qubino dimmer with the Z-stick, group 2.

How do I notify Incontrol that I Change button nr 2 on the wall switch?


stbluesrul posted this 30 January 2016

I'm coming from zVirtualScenes which uses the OpenZwave Libraries. Nearly all of my devices would send updates to the controller without setting up device associations (not having to rely on polling for updates). I have a few of these devices setup on InControl but they don't update when toggled locally. When looking at the associations of a device on InControl I just get the error that says "The USB Stick did not respond to the associated device request. Please verify that your device is awake and within range." I'm guessing that's because these devices don't support associations. Is there another way to make this work with InControl? I really don't want to rely on polling. One of the devices is a Leviton switch which I know does support levelchanged events but this device isn't updating when toggle locally either.

Axial-User posted this 28 March 2016

I would choose a better one group, I read reviews, a lot of positive

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