Gen2 Zstick died, can't get Gen5 working

  • Last Post 22 January 2018
joe6602 posted this 20 January 2018

Hi Ryan,

I came home this evening to find that my Gen2 Zstick quit working.  I was unable to control anything.  Even when removed from the USB port, the blue LED would glow continuously.  I had a new Gen5 stick available, so I tried doing the "Transfer network to new controller" command.  It said it was successful, but still nothing worked.  I realized I needed to download new drivers, which I did & configured to the correct COM port (4).

All of my devices show up, so my database is still good, but they don't seem to be transferred to the Zstick.  I ran Zentools, and it didn't show any devices, nor did a network heal.

What can I do short of going around and including everything?



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rscott posted this 20 January 2018

You might try to insert a pin into the hole to force the zstick to reset. That may help you recover from the constant blue light.

If it's really dead though, you probably won't be able to transfer your devices to the gen5 and you'll just have to bite the bullet and start over.

joe6602 posted this 21 January 2018

I never realized that there was a reset there,  I did that and got it working again - for now.  I think I will migrate to the new stick when I get a moment...


Thanks Ryan.

nelis249 posted this 21 January 2018


When my gen2 stick started going bad I couldn't get it to transfer properly. I would migrate sooner than later before the hardware goes bad. Eventually my Gen2 stick wouldn't turn on anymore.

rscott posted this 22 January 2018

When you do start over, I would recommend actually starting over instead of trying to transfer. Whenever I've personally used the z-wave transfer, things were strange in the "new" network. It was as if some of the routing was lost so things were never quite as snappy as they were when I started from scratch.

joe6602 posted this 22 January 2018

Thanks for the extra input from both of you.  I'll look into doing it over ASAP.
