Is development still happening?

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  • Last Post 20 September 2017 posted this 13 August 2017

Seems like earlier this year there were a lot of things (like the web interface) talked about but there hasn't been any form of an update since April to the software.  From what I had heard the web interface should have been ready by now.  When are we going to be getting some updates?  I am holding out with Axial Control but if it stays stagnant for much longer I will probably switch to something else.

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rscott posted this 14 August 2017

Yes, it's still happening. The web interface is a pretty massive beast and has consumed a lot of the time. There's been a few other updates, such as the ability to use a 2nd USB stick to get faster response times, though this is still in early beta testing and isn't released publiclly yet. That said, if anyone is interested in it, let me know and I can provide a download link.

The web interface is coming along; the next big step is to add the scene/task/condition creation piece to it, then it can probably be released to beta testers.

nelis249 posted this 15 August 2017

@jdwillett2 what does your question mean? What feature specifically are you 'waiting' for? The web interface? That's not going to give you new capability.... Axial already has plenty of that.

weidnerj posted this 15 August 2017

I am always up to trying new test software, please provide a link and will try it out.

arichter5 posted this 19 September 2017

I had the same questions about development since IOS has been warning for a long time that the InControl mobile app needed to be updated.  I installed IOS 11 today and the InControl app no longer functions. 

rscott posted this 20 September 2017

I had the same questions about development since IOS has been warning for a long time that the InControl mobile app needed to be updated.  I installed IOS 11 today and the InControl app no longer functions. 


The paid version functions on iOS 11; I'll set the price to free if you want to go snag it.

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