My CT100 stopped working... any advice?

  • Last Post 27 April 2016
  • Topic Is Solved posted this 19 April 2016

I have had a CT100 thermostat attached and working in incontrol for about 4 month,.  All of a sudden, I am no longer able to send updates to the thermostat. It appears incontrol is receiving data from the thermostat (temp values).  Anyone else have this issue?  any advice?

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rscott posted this 19 April 2016

I have had a CT100 thermostat attached and working in incontrol for about 4 month,.  All of a sudden, I am no longer able to send updates to the thermostat. It appears incontrol is receiving data from the thermostat (temp values).  Anyone else have this issue?  any advice?

If you look in your logfile.txt, do you see any kind of failure messages coming from your thermostat? posted this 22 April 2016

There were some before... I looked today and they have fallen off, but the device stopped responding.  Here is a brief list of what I have tried so far:  

I attempted to remove the device from the network, which removed it from the device list, but the thermostat unit still showed link.

ran controller commands heal network, looked for any hidden devices- no thermostat

I readded it and the device appeared again.

Since then, no errors have been logged.

 InControl is communicating with the thermostat on the get commands (Changes on the thermostat show under the level fields in Axial), but when I modify the set temps in the software, they are not pushing to the thermostat.

joey10e posted this 25 April 2016

I have actually had this happen to my CT100 and the only thing that has worked for me is to remove the zwave device that slides into either side of the back of the thermostat and wait about 20seconds and then reinstall. This has worked a couple times for me.

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  • posted this 27 April 2016

So out of laziness (not wanting to remover the thermostat from the wall), I used the following process to recover access.  Thank you Joey10e for triggering the idea :)  I was too focused on software...

1) Removed the thermostat from the controller via z-wave command

2) On the CT100 unit next to the control wires, I depressed the reset switch (I held for ~5 seconds, not sure it does anything differently than a short press)

3) I readded the Thermostat to the controller via z-wave command

Since doing that, it has worked perfectly... I will keep the zwave device trick in mind if it happens again.
