RFID keypad: Lock PIN code length help

  • Last Post 23 January 2018
f0ggy987 posted this 03 January 2018


I have been able to add and auto-configure and setup IN codes on my Zipato RFiD mini Keypad:



But I am stuck registering the RFID tag, which was the whole reason I bought the device.

The device library ( http://www.axialcontrol.com/devicelibrary/viewDevice/55/Zipato-Mini-Keypad-RFID ) and some other resouces for other controllers say to manually type in the UID of the tag into one of the PIN code slots.

The problem is the UID of the tag is 16 characters long (according to a couple of adroid tag readers I used) but the PIN code field in AxialControl only allows a maximum of 10 characters to be entered.

Thanks in advance

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f0ggy987 posted this 05 January 2018

In researching this issue I found many posts on other controllers and most seem to be able to get it working after some tweaks.

See this post from this thread: https://forum.z-wave.me/viewtopic.php?f=3419&t=20551

--- BEGIN ---

Unfortunately your tag code is not a valid string, and it breaks when performing UTF8 conversion.

According to the documentation, UserCode should be "4 to 10 ASCII digits", but tag readers seem to ignore this and transfer code as binary.

The only thing I can currently think of, is sending a raw command to device:

In the upcoming version there would be UserCode.SetRaw() method, so you can write

/ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[2].UserCode.SetRaw(50, [ 0x8F,0x12,0x44,0xC3,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x08,0x00,0x00 ], 1)

--- END ---

Is there a similar method to send the raw data in Axial?

Here's the report from the reader when my unregistered tag is used. You can see the TagID is garbled ASCII (?.???P):


--- BEGIN ---

1/5/2018 1:27:37 AM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 1
 Data: 00,Available (not set),?.???P  ,{99 3 0 0 143 46 163 202 160 80 1 4 0 0 }
 Received: 1/5/2018 1:27:37 AM

--- END ---

It would be great if I could get a response as to whether this will be actively investigated - I just bought the device so if there is no hope of support I will return it.

I'm also happy to ship it to you for testing if it will help - I would love to get this working.


f0ggy987 posted this 23 January 2018

For anyone else using this device, I found the solution on the OpenHab forums.

The solution is to install the FHEM home automation software and use that controller to register the tag to the reader. You can then switch back to Axial Control and it will work.

Full instructions: https://community.openhab.org/t/wtrfid-mini-keypad-rfid-z-wave/19014/34

It's a shame I had to install Perl and another controller (hardly user friendly), but at least its working now.

Onto the next problem: I have read that the four keypad buttons (1,2,3,4) can be used as a scene controller...but when I tried to use them with the 'assign activiation button' in Axial it didn't work.

rscott posted this 23 January 2018

I'm curious, what's your plan with the device itself? If I can justify installing one in my home, I may pick one up too - that may help with integration. :)

Does it require constant power from a wall junction box? 

f0ggy987 posted this 23 January 2018

I'm mounting it by my front door and will be using the RFID tags to arm and disarm an alarm system - I have motion sensors, door contacts and a siren all in Axial. You just press 'home' or 'away', wave the tag and done.

Now I have the tag working, my initial tests have been pretty positive - it's consistant and responsive to state changes.

I figured if it could also double as a wall-mounted scene controller to turn off lights, open the garage, etc. that would be a very nice bonus.

As well as the scene control, a couple of other things don't quite work correctly:

1) As I understand it from the documentation, the controller is meant to send some kind of acknowledgement back to the card reader after a lock/unlock state change - the tag reader then uses the feedback to generate an audiable alert to confirm to the user arming/disarming - right now I am not getting the audio confirmation (I double-checked the parameters are correct)

2) I cannot change the state of the tag reader (lock/unlock) from within Axial. I think it's a hardware limitation because I think the reader goes to sleep to conserve battery power and thus is not awake and 'listening' for state changes

3) To get round point 2, I'm using a virtual device to control alarm arming/disarming. The problem with this is that the tag reader and virtual device can potentially get out of sync. I could work around this if Axial would let me automate based on the timestamp of a value. Example: If the tag reader was in the 'locked' state and I 'locked' it a second time, I would like that to be reflected in Axial. Right now Axial doesn't update anything when I repeat the existing state: the 'most recent change' doesn't update, nor any of the values or their time stamps. However, the keypad and Axial do seem to be communicating on the back end. Here's what happened when I 'locked' the system when it was already 'locked' (with node auditing turned on). You can see Axial sees and processes the event (1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: The lock is engaged (locked)!) but nothing actually updates in the GUI:

--- BEGIN ---

1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 1
 Data: 00,FF,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unknown alarm_type of 0 found for node 48.
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Alarm_level 255 received from node 48
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Found zwaveAlarmType of `0` with event of `0`
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unrecognized alarmType 0 with event 0
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 2
 Data: 00,FF,0,On,Access Control,05,01,01,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unknown alarm_type of 0 found for node 48.
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Alarm_level 255 received from node 48
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unprocessed parameter Zensor_Net_Source_Node_ID, value=0 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unprocessed parameter ZWave_Alarm_Status, value=255 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: parameter ZWave_Alarm_Type, value=6 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: zwave_alarm_type set with value of 6 from value 6
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: parameter ZWave_Alarm_Event, value=5 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unprocessed parameter Number_of_Event_Parameters, value=1 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Unprocessed parameter Event_Parameter, value=1 from node 48 alarm_report
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Found zwaveAlarmType of `6` with event of `5`
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Processing ENTRY EVENT
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: The lock is engaged (locked)!
1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 3
 Data: 00,FF,00,On,Access Control,05,1,0,false,01,,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 4
 Data: 00,FF,00,On,Access Control,05,1,0,false,01,,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 5
 Data: 00,FF,00,On,Access Control,05,1,0,false,01,,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 6
 Data: 00,FF,00,On,Access Control,05,1,0,false,01,,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 7
 Data: 00,FF,00,On,Access Control,05,1,0,false,01,,{113 5 0 255 0 255 6 5 1 1 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Node Audit:
 Node: 48
 Version: 1
 Data: {132 7 }
 Received: 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM 1/23/2018 12:14:16 PM: Device 48 woke up


It is battery powered, not hard-wired.

Thanks again

