I'm trying to set up a z-wave security system, and it all is working great! but the only problem i'm having is how to do a "security panel?" In the bedroom, i can simply use a button or a switch to arm and disarm the system, but i want something when i enter and leave the house as well without having to pull out my phone (i'm fine with that, but trying to get my wife to get off facebook long enough to arm and disarm when she comes and goes is going to be impossible). I cant seem to find any products that would fit this need. If anyone has any ideas, that would be great. Thanks
Security Panel Ideas
- Last Post 05 March 2017
posted this
05 March 2017
posted this
05 March 2017
- Last edited 06 March 2017
I use something like this to control my alarm. The outputs can be programmed to be momentary and you can connect the outputs to two Ecolink door/window sensors because they have an internal connector. The dwzwave2-eco. Or there are several other choices for a z-wave device that except a dual momentary input and will report two separate on/off conditions to the controller to arm (channel A) and disarm (channel B) your system.
This is just one example there are many to choose from. But it provides a keychain transmitter that has two channels.
Hope this helps.