SNMP Devices as Axial Devices?

  • Last Post 21 August 2016
pir8radio posted this 13 August 2016

I have many zwave devices, but there are some devices I would love to tie to my Axial server... Like my battery back ups (UPS) they have SNMP that I can read analog values on.. Or my computer server, it would be cool to see and use some of those SNMP points in Axial scenes...     Can there be a plugin created to add SNMP devices to Axial?  It would be nice to monitor the server temp via SNMP then turn on the rack fan with a zwave outlet..   Pluse there are tons of cool SNMP devices that allow for hardwired points to be added to Axial, like this device, and more info here, you can monitor analog and digital points, pool temp, pool pump, spa..  doors all kinds of good stuff...  

You owe me one buddy...  :-) 


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rscott posted this 16 August 2016

Which UPS do you use? Wondering if we have the same one by chance... I need to do some SNMP research to see if it lends itself to being easily queried and created as a device like this. 

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  • pir8radio
pir8radio posted this 21 August 2016

mine is an eaton powerware UPS.   But almost anything is SNMP capable, most also support control not just reading of values..   But, baby steps..  :-)   If your UPS has a management ethernet port then you can test on that...  :-D
