Version 3.7 (Unofficial Release) - Fix for Activation Issue

  • Last Post 20 May 2013
Ryan-Scott posted this 07 May 2013

Version 3.7 has been released. This has a fix for a minor activation issue that some may have experienced.

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Axial-User posted this 11 May 2013

Hmm I think I'm still having an issue. I've installed 3.7 and tried activating with the file I received in my email yesterday. The error I get is

'The license file you tried to import is corrupt or invalid'

I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled. The only thing I did not do s clear out the database files under ProgramData\Zwave. Should I try that?


Ryan-Scott posted this 11 May 2013

Could you forward the file to support[at]

Ryan-Scott posted this 11 May 2013

Actually... if it was yesterday, you may need to try to activate one more time. posted this 11 May 2013

Where would I set my location for the weather service, how often does it refresh and which service is it using? I thought it was using the coordinates but today it is about 25 degrees off on the temp.

Ryan-Scott posted this 11 May 2013

It's using the long/lat you've got setup in the tools/options menu. It pulls the data from

Axial-User posted this 11 May 2013

Hmm I tried the new file I received last night but still getting the same error message. I've forwarded it to the support email address. Additionally I tried my serial key that I got with the v2 purchase. I popped up an error but the Incontrol Title bar says 'Pro' in it now. Maybe my database is causing the issue.

Ryan-Scott posted this 12 May 2013

Why do you suspect database? You mentioned it shows Pro in the title bar - is there another problem you are experiencing? posted this 13 May 2013

I have the right coordinates entered but the weather is incorrect. At the moment is showing 64 in Incontrol and the world weather site shows 58 which matches google.

Ryan-Scott posted this 13 May 2013

I have the right coordinates entered but the weather is incorrect. At the moment is showing 64 in Incontrol and the world weather site shows 58 which matches google.

Do you mind telling me your coordinates? I'll manually ping their site with them to see what it says.

jonfrance posted this 20 May 2013

I have the same issue. The weather doesn't seem to be using my co-ordinates set up in the options.
If, I'm assuming, the co-ordinates of the weather "device" are its device id I'm showing 43.49, -112.03 which is the same place as someone else mentioned on here.
I tried deleting the weather device and restarting, but it is recreated with those same co-ordinates.
