
First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

13 June 2024

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

23 May 2024


Billy_485 has an updated profile

15 April 2023


Billy_485 has an updated profile

15 April 2023

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

14 March 2023 has an updated profile

06 February 2023 has an updated profile

19 January 2023

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

13 December 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

28 July 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

17 July 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

11 July 2022

First Anniversary

da5id has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

09 July 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

31 May 2022

You've Given Your First Vote Up

rspoto has been awarded the You've Given Your First Vote Up badge

This badge is awarded to users after they make their first vote up (2 Points)

05 May 2022

First Vote Up Received

rspoto has been awarded the First Vote Up Received badge

This badge is awarded to users after they receive their first vote up from another user (2 Points)

05 May 2022

First Anniversary

ScrappyMan has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

13 April 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

11 April 2022

First Anniversary

rune.espensen has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

25 March 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

24 February 2022

First Anniversary has been awarded the First Anniversary badge

This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary (2 Points)

10 February 2022
