4-in-1 Multi Sensor only showing motion

  • Last Post 09 April 2015
Dignan17 posted this 04 April 2015

Perhaps I'm missing something, but my Aeon Labs 4-in-1 Multi Sensor is only showing up as a motion sensor. Does InControl support the three other things it does?

Also, is it possible to adjust the reset time on the motion detection? It seems to take a long time to detect and/or send a trigger of motion. It's even pretty slow from the first signal, taking a few seconds to trigger the scene I have it set up to trigger.

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weidnerj posted this 04 April 2015

I have my 4 in 1 setup as a motionsensor as the device type. Then you have to an autoconfigure and force poll to get it to pull in that it has other sensors associated with the device. But you have to do that right after you push the ZWAVE association button on the 4 in 1 to wake it up if you are using batteries. If you are not using batteries and using USB, then you shouldn't have to "wake" it up. If that doesn't work, remove and reinsert the batteries, then it will stay awake for 10 minutes.

According to http://www.pepper1.net/zwavedb/device/121, the default is 4 minutes (240 seconds). You can change that using parameter #3 to less time if you like. Or even change it to a higher number and use that as your reset timer if you are having the motion turn on a light, etc.

Dignan17 posted this 05 April 2015

Thanks for the help!

It's connected via USB, and when I tell InControl to Auto Configure, an eventual popup windows tells me that it found the other sensors, but nothing has shown up in the device list.

Nevermind! I figured out why I was confused. I didn't realize that instead of it showing up as separate devices, it shows up as different readings. That's fine with me!

weidnerj posted this 05 April 2015

Thanks for the help!

It's connected via USB, and when I tell InControl to Auto Configure, an eventual popup windows tells me that it found the other sensors, but nothing has shown up in the device list.

Nevermind! I figured out why I was confused. I didn't realize that instead of it showing up as separate devices, it shows up as different readings. That's fine with me!

If you click on the blue icon by each reading, you can create virtual device with the ability to use that reading within Incontrol HA. For example, I have a 4 in 1s outside each one of my doors using the motion and light sensors to turn on the porch light for 5 minutes. If the light reading is more than 250 luxs, the porch light doesn't come on (because it still is light outside), triggered on motion.

Dignan17 posted this 06 April 2015

Thanks! I'll try that.

Giunka posted this 08 April 2015

hi, have you solved the problem? I am going to buy a sensor 4in1 Philio...

Dignan17 posted this 08 April 2015

Sorry for not updating. Yes, it works now. I actually really like this method that InControl is using. I like that I don't have to flood my setup with devices if I don't want to use all of them. For example, in this room I don't have any need for the humidity reading, so I won't create a device for that. Very cool.

Giunka posted this 09 April 2015

excellent! then proceed with the purchase, thank you for sharing your experience!
