CinemaVision is an add-on for Kodi. Among other things it can run actions like turn off the lights when the movie starts. I have created the action file which uses JSON. It's contents are as follows:
HEADERS: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
PUT: {"sceneName":"MovieStart", "activate":1}
Unfortunately, it does not seem to do anything.
I'm hoping I just have the syntax wrong.
More info on CinemaVision, specifically the home automation bit, can be found here:
Thanks for any help!
Activate Scene via JSON via CinemaVision via Kodi
- Last Post 04 November 2015
posted this
01 November 2015
posted this
03 November 2015
So I'll reply to myself. The code above actually does work. I'm not sure if it required a reboot or if it's a firewall issue. Further testing is needed but just wanted to let any one that looks at this know that it did work.
posted this
04 November 2015
It seems to be working still with the server firewall on. It looks like it might be an issue with the add-on. The Test button doesn't work but the action works when the sequence runs.
posted this
04 November 2015
It seems to be working still with the server firewall on. It looks like it might be an issue with the add-on. The Test button doesn't work but the action works when the sequence runs.
Is this an issue with CinemaVision/Kodi?
posted this
04 November 2015
Yes, this appears to be an issue with the test button in the add-on. It is working as intended now.