Can't connect to Axial via iphone app.

  • Last Post 30 December 2016 posted this 28 November 2016

I am a longtime user of IC, now Axial.

Since day one i have had sluggish response on my devices and intermittent operation of Axial as it will just "lock up" and need to be rebooted to start working again.

Currently aside from the above continuing issues i can no longer access Axial via my iphone app.  

i have tried to upload my log file but an error message says it does not accept that file extension.  what am i doing wrong?

thanks in advance for any advice and help with my issues.


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rscott posted this 28 November 2016

I am a longtime user of IC, now Axial.

Since day one i have had sluggish response on my devices and intermittent operation of Axial as it will just "lock up" and need to be rebooted to start working again.

What USB stick do you use? If it's an older Aeon Labs Series 2 (the black one), that has a known issue of locking up. Instead of fixing it, Aeon Labs released a GEN5 which works suitably well.

Currently aside from the above continuing issues i can no longer access Axial via my iphone app.  

Do you get a message when connecting? posted this 28 November 2016

I am using an Series 2 stick.  

I get no message from Axial or on my iphone app.  It just never connects, as in, no devices ever appear on the app.


I looked through my log and i see a lot of "timed out" error messages.  Does that mean anything?


rscott posted this 28 November 2016

Can you post the full "timed out" message? posted this 29 November 2016

i see this repeated over and over in the log file.


11/25/2016 4:18:41 PM: Error during authentication - System.Net.WebException

The operation has timed out


   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)

   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)

   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)

   at MLS.Common.InControlHaComWebClient.getAuthToken() in Z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.Common\InControlHaComWebClient.cs:line 82

   at MLS.Common.InControlHaComWebClient.authenticate() in Z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.Common\InControlHaComWebClient.cs:line 130

CasualSurveyor posted this 30 November 2016

The functionality of the iPhone app is severely degraded from when it was InControl. It is very sluggish and sometimes doesn't respond at all. Device status is very unreliable. You can turn on a light and the status doesn't change in the app, even if the light comes on. If you leave the Lights page and come back, the status of some lights may update while it doesn't update on others. The result is zero confidence in status indication from the app. You must verify by physically looking at the device. At that point, what good is the app? posted this 01 December 2016

That's not good news.  Are you using a Aeon Stick version 2 also?  What about an Android phone?  Any better function with one of those?


rscott posted this 01 December 2016

The functionality of the iPhone app is severely degraded from when it was InControl. It is very sluggish and sometimes doesn't respond at all. Device status is very unreliable. You can turn on a light and the status doesn't change in the app, even if the light comes on. If you leave the Lights page and come back, the status of some lights may update while it doesn't update on others. The result is zero confidence in status indication from the app. You must verify by physically looking at the device. At that point, what good is the app?

Is the status just wrong on the phone itself? Is it also wrong on Axial Server?

rscott posted this 01 December 2016

i see this repeated over and over in the log file.

11/25/2016 4:18:41 PM: Error during authentication - System.Net.WebException

The operation has timed out

 You may check your firewall to be sure it isn't blocking Axial Server. This wouldn't be impacting your iPhone though, but would impact update checks and notification sending.

For your iPhone, can you give me some info such as your current OS version, the and which iPhone you use? I'll see if I can replicate it on my end. posted this 01 December 2016

I am pretty sure the firewall is disabled on the computer.  When I was having trouble before, I think I turned it off to see if that improved the speed of response.  I will double check.  

I have a Toshiba laptop running Windows 8 where Axial resides.  The laptop is dedicated to the Axial program, it is not used for any other tasks and has no other progams installed on it other than what came with Windows.  I do notice that the hard drive seems to almost always be running.   Seems odd as I only have Axial running, but maybe not.

The Iphone is a 5S, IOS Version 9.3.5


Thanks for your help. posted this 08 December 2016

Firewall is off.   

Have invested in a new Gen 5 stick.  Willing to try that to get myself back online.  Is there a Tutorial to back up and reinstall all my devices to the new stick or is that needed?  



rscott posted this 08 December 2016

Firewall is off.   

Have invested in a new Gen 5 stick.  Willing to try that to get myself back online.  Is there a Tutorial to back up and reinstall all my devices to the new stick or is that needed?  


 You could try the network transfer option; you'll need to use the 3rd party zen tools along with that and hook it up to your new stick and put it in learn mode, then use the transfer option to send the network.


You could also put your system into recovery mode and then re-include your devices. In some cases, this may work better, as re-adding devices can have a "healing effect" on your overall network.

Finally, if you are still having issues with your iPhone app, send us a support ticket with your logfile attached.

R posted this 10 December 2016

Well i must have done something wrong. 

Entered recovery mode.  Didn't see the "R" show up next to my devices.  Installed new USB stick anyway.  Axial said it could not get a lock on the stick.  Said COM3 port was being used.  I removed the new stick and reinstalled the old one.  All the devices then displayed the "R".  I again removed the old stick and installed the new one as Axial instructed.  Again it said it could not get a lock on the new stick. 

I removed the new stick and installed the old stick again hoping to go back to as before.  Cant get out of recovery mode. 

What now?


rscott posted this 10 December 2016

Well i must have done something wrong. 

Entered recovery mode.  Didn't see the "R" show up next to my devices.  Installed new USB stick anyway.  Axial said it could not get a lock on the stick.  Said COM3 port was being used.  I removed the new stick and reinstalled the old one.  All the devices then displayed the "R".  I again removed the old stick and installed the new one as Axial instructed.  Again it said it could not get a lock on the new stick. 

I removed the new stick and installed the old stick again hoping to go back to as before.  Cant get out of recovery mode. 

What now?

You probably need to install the drivers for the new USB stick. It's also quite likely that it'll ahve a different COM port; you can find that out by looking in the device manager for which port is being used on that new stick. Once you have that done, head into tools/options and change the port to match what you see in the device manager.

Also, as you go around re-including your devices, you may need to perform an exclude on the device first before it'll allow itself to be re-included. posted this 10 December 2016

So head to Aeon Labs for the drivers?


When I re-include the devices, how is that done?  Do I click on the old device with the R and then go to tools and select "include"?

I notice I have my original devices with R next to them and then I have almost an equal number of new undifined devices.

When I reinstalled my old stick and tried to exit Recover mode, it started telling me I had unused devices and asked if I wanted to delete them.  I selected "no".  Wasnt sure what I was doing.


rscott posted this 10 December 2016

Since you put your old stick back in, it pulled all those devices from the stick and added them as if they were new devices. You'll want to remove your old stick, then remove those "new" devices. You'll be left with only the original devices that now have the "R" in the name.

You didn't say which USB stick you have, but if it's the Aeon Labs with the push button, you can take that around and start including your devices. Again, exclude them first, then do a re-include. Try it with one or two devices at first, then re-insert your USB stick. You'll see those new devices popup with generic names, like StandardSwitch, or DimmerSwitch. You'll then click "Match recovered devices" and match those 1-2 new devices up to the original device (now named with an "R" in the name) - once you match it up, you'll notice that the "R" goes away and the device named "StandardSwitch" or "DimmerSwitch" also goes away. posted this 10 December 2016

I knew I did something wrong.


I do have the Aeon Labs version 5 sitck now.


So after I delete my new duplicate devices, I put in the new stick and exclude the R labeled devices?  Then I have to go the each device and wake it and include it kind of like I did when I first installed them?  Wow, was hoping to avoid that.  Have about 50 devices. 

The tutorial said to include them by room.  Is that what you still suggest?  I don't have any of my devices seperated out by "rooms" specifically.  Just by names that tell me which room they are in. posted this 10 December 2016

 Follow up question.  You stated I should "exclude" the device before re-adding it.

How do I do an "exclude".  Im not seeing that command anywhere.


rscott posted this 10 December 2016

Going room by room just keeps the list managable. When you insert your new usb stick (after doing the include) you'll end up with a lot of generic devices. Knowing which is which could be hard if you do all at the same time. If you go room by room, or only add a few devices at a time, it'll be easier for you to know which of the "StandardSwitches" match is what. You can exclude using your USB stick - press and hold the button until it fast blinks, then walk to the device and put it into exclude mode. posted this 10 December 2016

I must be much more inept than I think. 

If I remove my USB stick and get it flashing, then press my device, then insert my USB stick back into my machine I still do not see "exclude". 

I am now not seeing "add device" option anymore in the Z-wave commands area. 

Also, When should I exit recover mode?

rscott posted this 10 December 2016

I must be much more inept than I think. 

If I remove my USB stick and get it flashing, then press my device, then insert my USB stick back into my machine I still do not see "exclude". 

I am now not seeing "add device" option anymore in the Z-wave commands area. 

Also, When should I exit recover mode?

The include and exclude parts are not a function of Axial. It's purely a function of your USB stick and z-wave in general. Walk to your switch/device with the USB stick in exclude mode, then put your device into exclude mode. To do that, refer to your device manual, but most of the time pressing the switch on/off a few times will do the trick. Once you see the usb stick's light blink a few times in a special pattern, it'll indicate the exclude was a success.  Immediately put your USB stick into include mode (turn off the blink, then turn it on again with a quick tap of the button), then put your device into include mode too (again, your manual will tell you how, but it's usually just a matter of tapping the switch once). You'll know it worked because the USB stick will again do a fancy blink pattern.

After you've included a device or two, put the usb stick back into your computer and wait a minute or two and they'll show up at the bottom of your device list. At that point, you can do a "match."

Also, don't exit recovery mode until you've completely re-included all your devices to the new usb stick.



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