I have several Ecolink motion sensors and one of their door sensors. When I first added them they worked great. They were almost instant in their response times. At some point (possible after a recent software update) they all stopped working. The light on the motion sensors would blink when they saw me but InControl wouldn't register any change. I excluded and re-included them. After running Autoconfig they still don't show any change within InControl, but they do show two secondary devices: Battery and binarysensor. The binarysensor will change to 255 when motion is detected but it's much slower (5-15 seconds) they it used to be. Any ideas how to fix this?
Ecolink Sensors
- Last Post 20 July 2015
posted this
10 July 2015
Fixed as of recent update. Thanks!
posted this
20 July 2015
Fixed as of recent update. Thanks!
Which update fixed the problem you had?
posted this
20 July 2015
I'm not completely sure. I went from version 4.0.5593 to 4.0.5640 and the problem was solved.