Email queuing

  • Last Post 23 October 2013
Axial-User posted this 23 October 2013

I noticed in the latest version 3.39 that emails do not get queued if message delivery fails. At times when the router is disconnected from the Internet and a rule that is configured to send an email becomes true the email is dropped and does not retry when the Internet is back on. Can this be added as a feature?

rscott posted this 23 October 2013

I noticed in the latest version 3.39 that emails do not get queued if message delivery fails. At times when the router is disconnected from the Internet and a rule that is configured to send an email becomes true the email is dropped and does not retry when the Internet is back on. Can this be added as a feature?

We have a UserVoice board where you can add this idea. We cannot guarantee it'll be added, but if we get enough user support for it (by getting votes) there's a good chance that it will.
