
Quite often a devices parameters are essentially enabling or disabling certain features of the device.

E.g. my new Yale Real Living Lock ( YRD220-ZW ) supports the following parameters (outlined here: http://www.pepper1.net/zwavedb/uploads/resources/513c90984733a978c86885d00c0a99ef40dd8b72.pdf ):

Audio mode (volume) Auto re-lock Re-lock time Wrong code entry limit Language Shutdown time Operating mode (normal/vacation/privacy) - The parameter I am really interested in

I know they can be changed from the devices page in the GUI but what I would like to be able to do is setup a virtual device that toggles a parameter value. So I have a button called 'lock privacy mode' and as it is turned on/off it toggles the appropriate parameter of the lock.

This has a lot of benefits: It's faster, cleaner and simpler than the current method Enables parameter changes to be integrated into a scene Allows parameter changes via the mobile app

I see that parameters can be changed via script (described here: https://github.com/rscott78/InControl-Scripts using 'setConfigurationParameter' ) so with a bit of effort I can probably achieve what I want, but a nice interface for it would be great.

Thanks in advance