Feedback Listening Control on a Custom Remote App

  • Last Post 19 July 2014
Rod posted this 16 June 2013

I'm using a custom remote app to control InControl but I can't seem to get live feedback from InControl when changes occur in the system.

I'm trying to find a URL that I can get JSON back about the status of a device and then parse it. I know I can enter in

http://192.168.1.xxxx:xxxx/zwave/devices?password=*** To get all the devices but I would like to select a certain device through the ID or name. Is there a way to do so?

Yes, there's a way to retrieve a single device from the API. Here's the documentation about that API call:

Be sure to read up in the introduction for more details if you aren't familiar with how to use the API yet.

Also, there's a real-time connection to the server available if your touch-ir app is able to connect using websockets. This real-time feed will let you know instantly when a device changes so you won't need to poll for changes. We haven't documented how to use it yet, but if you are interested, let me know and I can put a higher priority on this task.

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Ryan-Scott posted this 16 June 2013

I'm using a custom remote app to control InControl but I can't seem to get live feedback from InControl when changes occur in the system.

I'm trying to find a URL that I can get JSON back about the status of a device and then parse it. I know I can enter in

http://192.168.1.xxxx:xxxx/zwave/devices?password=*** To get all the devices but I would like to select a certain device through the ID or name. Is there a way to do so?

Yes, there's a way to retrieve a single device from the API. Here's the documentation about that API call:

Be sure to read up in the introduction for more details if you aren't familiar with how to use the API yet.

Also, there's a real-time connection to the server available if your touch-ir app is able to connect using websockets. This real-time feed will let you know instantly when a device changes so you won't need to poll for changes. We haven't documented how to use it yet, but if you are interested, let me know and I can put a higher priority on this task.

Rod posted this 14 July 2013

Hi Ryan,

I am interested in learning how to do this. I think others may benefit as well with their own custom remotes.


Rod posted this 07 December 2013

I'd love to find out how this is done, any others interested? In the touchir app there is a Feedback Client and Listener so I'm assuming this is what you're referring to with the web sockets comment.

Rod posted this 17 July 2014

Sorry to bump this again but I'd love to know how to do this. Adding it to the API would be very helpful.

Is there a way to create a POST when the json/devices change? There is a lot of potential with that.

Ryan-Scott posted this 19 July 2014

Sorry to bump this again but I'd love to know how to do this. Adding it to the API would be very helpful.

Is there a way to create a POST when the json/devices change? There is a lot of potential with that.

Would activating a scene that could perform the post be useful to you? I.e, you'd have a scene trigger based on the device change, then as part of the scene you'd be able to do a POST.

In your particular scenario, do you need to specify what gets posted or could just the level be posted to your particular URL?
