Framework version

  • Last Post 16 March 2013
gallwapa posted this 14 March 2013

Is framework 4.0 truly the required target for In Control? As I understand it, a .NET2/3/3.5 project can't load a .NET 4 assembly. However, the Media Center SDK for Vista/7 is not built with .NET 4. Windows 8 has the opposite problem, however, as it is indeed built on 4 (but would have no problem referencing lower assemblies as it can load multiple CLR versions).

Looks like I may have to go the web services route after all.

Yes, it's 4.0.

You can backwards reference though... so a 4.0 project could reference a 2.0/3.5 DLL. Is that an option here for you to do? Could your main project be 4.0 and you just reference the Media Center SDK from that project?

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Ryan-Scott posted this 14 March 2013

Is framework 4.0 truly the required target for In Control? As I understand it, a .NET2/3/3.5 project can't load a .NET 4 assembly. However, the Media Center SDK for Vista/7 is not built with .NET 4. Windows 8 has the opposite problem, however, as it is indeed built on 4 (but would have no problem referencing lower assemblies as it can load multiple CLR versions).

Looks like I may have to go the web services route after all.

Yes, it's 4.0.

You can backwards reference though... so a 4.0 project could reference a 2.0/3.5 DLL. Is that an option here for you to do? Could your main project be 4.0 and you just reference the Media Center SDK from that project?

gallwapa posted this 14 March 2013

At least the test tools (Mcmlpad) are 2.0 on Windows Vista/Windows 7, but 4.0 on Windows 8. Ideally I'd be able to target all 3. Windows 8 mediacenter has been recompiled with framework 4, but there is no SDK available (yet...or ever? Media center team has been disbanded)

gallwapa posted this 16 March 2013

Yes unfortunately, the CLR version is a problem as far as compatibility goes...Will try webservices.
