posted this
14 January 2014
So instead of the two options to insert a file for pre and post you have a tab called actions which you can add actions to the scene like tasker.
Ie. Tasks like tasker
So the options are:
Run file
Pre script
Post script
You can add as many as you like. Like your conditions. This way you have a nice GUI for scripts.
I like Rod's idea, in the activate scene a drop down box to select, if you see two pre scripts you like you can add them both in and not be limited to just one.
I also think it would increase the usability of InControl as it would make adding a plugin for every web connected device less necessary as most will have HTTP support.
I mentioned the article (although it was more someone's opinion) that mentioned that WiFi is likely to be the internet of things. I'll try and find it if I can but I read it on Flipboard.
I think the gist of his thoughts was that WiFi is the most recognised by the average person and most people already have a WiFi router. Early adopters, who most people here are, know z wave.
Personally Z wave in Australia is a lot more expensive (possibly due to licensing of the the Z wave chips, being on a different MHz and size of market) but the main reason I'm on it currently is the in wall controls of lights. I can already get WiFi control plug in power points for about a third of the Z wave costs.
If you want the idea added to the uservoice I'll happily move some of my votes to Rod's ideas.