Having problem getting my web api calls to work

  • Last Post 22 September 2013
rkroboth posted this 22 September 2013

I've gotten the latest InControl 3.30, but am having problems getting the basic API calls to work in any way.. here's what I've tried:

I have the InControl server running on, running on the default port 8711. I do not have a password set in it. There is also no firewall running.

I've tried this command which I got from the boards, but it just hangs indefinitely:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d "{}"

I also tried accessing http://localhost:8711/zwave/devices from my browser on the same machine, and it also hangs a long time, then shows a blank page after a few minutes (I'm assuming the browser timed out).

I can telnet to the server to port 8711 and it immediately accepts my connection; here's my telnet session:

[]$ telnet 8711
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /zwave/devices HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Upgrade: WebSocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 8, 13

At this point the telnet session hangs and I have to use the escape character to get out.

Any idea what I am doing wrong that's keeping me from using the API?

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rscott posted this 22 September 2013

Port 8711 is for the direct connect web socket server. The http web api is on port 1178. If you switch to that it should take care of things for you.

rkroboth posted this 22 September 2013

yep that was it... I was confusing the direct access with the api. Thanks!
