I was fiddling around in the breaker box and turned off the breaker for my PC running Axial. No problem, I figured, it rebooted and I logged in, Axial said it was online and everything looked fine... But nothing works! I can't control anything all all, polls to everything time out. What do I do?
Help! Lost all control!
- Last Post 03 May 2017
What's your log file say? Maybe try to go offline, remove your usb stick, plug it back in, go back online -- that can help if the usb stick is locked up.
Ok, well, your suggestion worked, but in a different way. I went offline, removed the stick, then put it back...and then noticed that Windows said it was on COM4. This puzzled me because I knew the server was configured for COM3, and I was ~83% sure that I put the drive back in the same port. But once I entered 4 into the server, control came back.
Sorry to freak out. It was a little distressing. I was envisioning having to order a new stick, unpair/repair every device, and set everything back up again. That was distressing to me...
No doubt! It's not a fun prospect having to re-include everything in your network. Glad you it working.
Me too! Yeah, I've done a whole-house re-include at least a dozen times (when trying other controllers before InControl/Axial), and it never gets more fun :)