homeseer leak sensor model hsz-ls100+

  • Last Post 16 February 2019 posted this 15 February 2019

how would i get the events defined for this sensor?

it has temperature, battery, movement and water detection.

rscott posted this 16 February 2019

Start with doing an auto-configure first. Note that you'll need to make sure the device is awake or auto-configure won't work. Check your manual or Google to see how to wake it up.

If auto-configure doesn't work, you'll need to manually configure it. The manual talks about "Advanced configuring" settings. You can set these by using the "Params" button after you select the device. For the temperature report, which is disabled by default, you would change parameter 19 to the value you are interested in. It says valid values are 1 through 255 which equates to have often in minutes the temperature will be reported.

The manual also mentions that "HS-LS100+ supports Group 1 association. Group 1 reports the sensor’s status and battery if running on batteries." This means that all of these reports will be sent to whichever device is in the 'group 1 association'. In this case, you'll want to make sure your USB stick is in that group since that will notify Axial of all reports. Here's a few steps you can follow to set associations:
