How do I get the triggering device name in a scene?

  • Last Post 15 July 2017
  • Topic Is Solved
lukejessee posted this 14 July 2017

I'm trying to create a single scene that will send a message to my phone if my virtual device called "phone alerts" is on and one of many devices is triggered.  I'm able to do this pretty easily for each device and then in the Notification Title I just put something like "Front Door was Opened".  However, that doesn't scale very well.

What I really want is 1 scene that I can add ALL my devices (that I care about) to that will trigger if phone alerts is on.  And in the Notification Title I want to basically say:

<device[shortId].name> <device[shortId].status>

But where do I get shortId?  Or do I have to make a script for this?

Also, if I do have to make a script, how do you go about calling a script (and how could I get this ID in the script)?

On a semi related topic, just takes you to a generic IIS page.  I looked there first.



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rscott posted this 15 July 2017

Here is some info:

Near the bottom it mentions the triggeringDevice.

lukejessee posted this 15 July 2017

Thanks Ryan, but I have that part already.  What I need is the shortID of the device that triggered the scene - is there a substitution/replacement scheme for that?

So more specifically I guess I want:

<device[triggeringId].name> <device[triggeringId].status>

If I have to hard code an ID, that still doesn't help me as several different devices can trigger the scene.



rscott posted this 15 July 2017

Like this?

rscott posted this 15 July 2017

I'm up in the mountains with barely any service.... Excuse my short posts. 😀 Use [triggeringDevice] instead of a shortId.

lukejessee posted this 15 July 2017

No problem, that worked perfectly!  That's exactly what I wanted.  I'd recommend adding that to the substitution documentation as I'm sure that would be helpful to others.


rscott posted this 15 July 2017

It's actually at the bottom already. ;)

lukejessee posted this 15 July 2017

It's actually at the bottom already. ;)


So it is!  I read right over that part.
