I try to make a switch to turn off after 60 minutes. Use the following original script. "LightsOffAfter10Minutes" but renamed it and edited the file. if (d.stateTracker.timeSinceLastChange.TotalMinutes > 60) {
The switch starts, but does not want to shut down after 60 minutes.
Se this image. http://www.fjollrosa.se/temp/uploads/printscreen.JPG
I have got this to work by creating a virtual device (VD). I created the VD and set it automatically turn off at 60 minutes. The rule I use is when the light is turned on, I also turn on the VD that starts the countdown. After an hour, the VD will turn off. I create a 2nd rule that when the VD turns off, to turn off the physical light.
You can create a rule to turn the light on, add a timer to your rule (in milliseconds)3,600,000 milliseconds equals one hour, then add to the rule light off.