If you haven't read about iBeacons and how they just made a VHS of NFC, have a look here:
Companies like Estimote (http://estimote.com/) have a huge head start into this market and are asking for $99 for three of these (they are also waterproof so you can put them anywhere). This technology is the future of home automation as it's so easy to attach actions to locations for individual people.
To integrate iBeacons into your Android app and iPhone App is quite simple with only a few lines of code: http://estimote.com/api/tutorials/proximity.html
As you know only Android 4.3 has support for BLE but it seems to be a more ideal solution with more applications available.
What do you think about integration? It seems to be an awesome way to throw a persons face on a location in your map view within the app and only fire certain scenes based on who is in the room.
iBeacons integration - the NFC Killer
- Last Post 03 December 2013
I know a bit late but I think the power usage will be part of it. An iBeacon or BLE device will need power of some sort. I think NFC with the stickers not needing power may always have a place. Plus they are a lot cheaper than the cost of a BLE device.
Actually a lot has changed in the past month.
Geohopper iOS app already has ibeacon alerts with web services action for entrance and exit. 4.99 and you can do it right now and integrate it with your incontrol.
So since there are ways to turn your iPhone, iPad, Mac and windows pc into ibeacons you don't need a lot of extra hardware. Even if you did the new "Cortado" from punch through designs is 20 bucks and is an accelerometer, led and ibeacon. It also has inputs for other sensors.
Powering BLEs isn't an issue. Most ibeacon last 2 years (with a coin cell battery).
You can integrate ibeacons right now easily and have personal scenes being fired rather than blanket motion ones. Ie. your favourite music following you around the house while your wife doesn't hear a thing. Say she moves into your room, it shuts off.
I actually think we won't need light switches any more.
The Cortado stuff did look good, I had a look at them before. Do you know of an Android app that will do similar to the Geohopper?
My wife's phone has BLE but mine doesn't... Maybe time for a new phone.
I am unaware of an Android app as I don't have any Android products at the moment. There will be some sure I'm sure. Get the hardware and there will be support soon enough. Seems like a basic type of application for this technology.