Has anyone else got the warning that the iphone app will no longer work after IOS 11 comes out?
iphone app warning for IOS 11
- Last Post 20 September 2017
Just upgraded to IOS 11. I can confirm that the InControl iPhone app no longer functions. I hope there will be an update coming soon. If not, I think i'll have to find an alternative to InControl.
You should go snag the paid version of the app. The price is free for the next week or so.
I have the paid version and I still get the message. I am going to hold off on upgrading. I was told that a lot of apps would have this problem when ios 11 came out.
Correction I did not have the paid version. i had installed it at one time. I will test it when I upgrade tonight.
Got the paid version. I can confirm it works on my iPhone 6s running IOS 11. Thanks Ryan for making the paid version available for free.
Upgraded last night to Ios 11. The paid version works great!