If your lock is configured properly (try running auto-configure on it) and you are on the latest version of InControl, you should already see the alarms show up in your list. Additionally, user code entries will show up there too. You can create virtual devices using those items in the list and then build scene triggers based on them.
I had already performed auto-configure but re-tried it just in case. The pop-up message reports it is successful and it subscribes to event notifications, but it does note that it fails to get the manufacturer ID. Multiple re-tries of auto-configure result in the same message.
I can successfully right-click and manage user codes. They are listed properly and I can add new ones via InControl that the lock then recognizes. the lock status updates accurately and promptly.
However on the devices tab I see the following:
Name - Value - Label Battery - 100- % User code entry - 0 - 2015-08-2015 Level - 0 - 0
I've never seen an actual user code listed here or any of the other alarm conditions I'd like to break out for scene use.
Here are some messages from my log file:
Alarm_level 1 received from node 5 Found zwaveAlarmType of '0' with event of '0' Unrecognized alarmType 0 with event 0
Someone else here is also seeing the same 'user code' 0 behavior here (with a different lock manufacturer): http://store.incontrolzwave.com/boards/topic/823/app-shows-wrong-door-lock-status
Thanks again