Multisensor 6 problems

  • Last Post 07 March 2017
Dignan17 posted this 09 February 2017

I just got a Multisensor 6, added it to my network, and changed the type from motion sensor to MultiLevelSensor (I'm assuming that's right...), and did an auto configure. Now I'm really confused.

Mainly, I'm puzzled by the readings on the sensor. I have temperature and humidity and stuff like that, but I also appear to have FIVE motion sensors listed on there for some reason. 3 of them show a value of 0 and two show a value of 255. Walking in front of the sensor doesn't appear to change these values.

Actually, the values don't really seem to change. I just turned on the light in the room where the sensor is, changing it from pitch black to illuminated by two 100W bulbs, and "luminance" still has a value of 0.

What's going on?

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Dignan17 posted this 09 February 2017

Quick update:

It looks like the luminance sensor is reporting back...but it takes about 10 minutes for the value to change. And even with those lights at full brightness, the value it shows is 33. That doesn't sound right. Is it?   

rscott posted this 09 February 2017

The device will continue to function if you leave it as a MotionSensor too. Plus, you'll still get other features out of it like room occupancy detection and the like.

You can try to run it through the auto configure, that may adjust settings more to your liking. As far as report times, those can be customized using the "Params" button. The manual lists out the parameters to use - I think param 111 is the one you are interested in, but read through the manual to be sure.


weidnerj posted this 09 February 2017

Even though you have bright lights, it really works best with sunlight, so 33 lux probalby is right.  Also your motion sensor will trip, but can't recall exact time but there there is a 2 or 4 minute reset time (that is confiigurable) once tripped that no longer will register motion until the time has completed.

Dignan17 posted this 10 February 2017

Ok, I guess the part I'm confused about is how quickly the server sees the motion trigger. Is that sent immediately, and all the others are sent on intervals? I understand that the sensor waits after triggering to trigger again, but what I don't get is that when I walk in front of the thing for the first time, Axial doesn't indicate anything... How do I use the motion sensor to turn a light on?

cowinger posted this 10 February 2017


You can use the tiny icons on the right side next to the different names. Trip the MS and watch the values next to the names. One or more of them will go from 0 to 255 and after 2-4 minutes back to 0. Click on the little icon (I use the icon that has either the name 'motion' or 'security') and give it a name. Make sure the one you use returns to 0. Wait for it to appear as a device. Highlight the new device and change it to a motion sensor. In your scene use this device as your trigger to turn on your light.

Hope this helps.

Dignan17 posted this 10 February 2017

I thought the same thing. But I watched those for changes and none of them did. When I move in front of the sensor, nothing happens at all. I switched the sensor back to "Motion Sensor" and it doesn't indicate motion when I move in front of it. I set up a Room with just that sensor and a light, and walking in front of it does nothing to the light. I thought it was supposed to turn on if it sensed occupancy (I checked both boxes on the room).

I'm getting a little frustrated with Axial lately...

cowinger posted this 10 February 2017

I am assuming that you have done an 'auto configure' and 'association' with this sensor. They are necessary in getting a list of values to show up. Make sure the 'association' shows the usb stick selected. Also make sure you have gone offline and back online with the server. You probably have tried to exclude and re-include and just try leaving it at whatever it comes in as for now.

You said you set up a room with the sensor and light. You will need to set up a new scene.

Device: choose that light and set it to on
Trigger: If it is a multisensor then set to level 255 or if you have it as a motion sensor then select 'detects motion'
Conditions: none

With all that there should be a response from axial when motion is detected.

weidnerj posted this 11 February 2017

Leave it as a motion sensor.  Then create a rule to turn on the light when motion sensor is activated, but make sure you also turn off the light.  I use turn light on, timer to wait, then turn light off all in one rule.  Or you could also do two rules, turn light on on motion, and another rule stating when the motion sensor resets to turn off the light. 

The reset time on the your device is configurable, you have to use params function to send to your device to change the default time.  But I really won't worry about it unless you plan on having the light time out less than the 2 or 4 minutes.  What I mean by that is if the timer reset is 2 or 4 minutes, but you leave the light on for 5 minutes, it doesn't matter because you only want the light on for a total of 5 minutes.

Dignan17 posted this 13 February 2017

Yes, I've left it as a motion sensor, but I was under the impression that the "restore power when occupied" checkbox was all I needed on the room screen. Why do I also need to create a scene? This is very unclear in the software.

Also, weidnerj, I thought rules were depricated. There's only scenes with conditions and triggers now, aren't there? And again, I thought the checkboxes on the room screen were what handled all of this...

cowinger posted this 13 February 2017


I think you might be missing this step. Check it out and see if this will help. Also below is a link to that page where the info came from.

To allow the room manager to power a device on or off automatically, double click the device from the devices screen and tick the box that says "Allow room manager use."

Hope this helps.

Dignan17 posted this 13 February 2017

Nope, I did that already.

cowinger posted this 13 February 2017

OK, I got mine to work. Here is what I did.

1. create an empty room
2. tick both boxes at the top and put a 1 in the timeout minutes box, go offline and back online
3. add your motion sensor and light to the room
4. Take the server offline and back online again
5. Wait until 'Occupancy Timer' reads 'Unoccupied'
6. Trip the sensor, light should go on, leave room (if you stay in the room it will not time out and never go to "unoccupied"  until you leave which starts the countdown to turning light off)
7. 'Occupancy Timer' should read 'Occupied'  -  time out how long it takes until light goes off  -  see step 8.
8. Light will turn off if no motion for the time you put in the box added together with the time the sensor is set to send an off. So if you have a 1 in the upper box and the sensor is set to 3 minutes then the light will go off in 4 minutes.

Hope this works for you.

Dignan17 posted this 13 February 2017

Ok, it looks like my motion sensor is finally working. I was able to see it trigger in Axial a little after I walked in front of it. But it didn't turn the light in the room on. It seems wasteful to create a scene for this too. But I'm not sure how it knows what level to turn the light onto without it...

Dignan17 posted this 13 February 2017

Ok, looks like I finally have it working. I manually turned the light on and then left the room and waited. The occupancy ended and turned the light off. Then when I returned it turned the light back on again. I guess it returns to whatever state it was before. I'll have to see what happens if I turn the light off before the occupancy ends...

cowinger posted this 13 February 2017

We must have crossed paths. If you have it working then you can ignore the stuff below. Glad to hear it is working!

You may have to create another device. Highlight your multisensor and on the right side you should see a value called "motion". To the left of that is a small icon. Click on that icon and give it a name to correspond with motion. Wait for that device to appear and change it to a motion sensor. Erase the one you have in that room and put this one in it's place. Go offline and back online and try again to trip the motion sensor  -  remember to wait until room says it is "Unoccupied" first before you trip the sensor.

Dignan17 posted this 14 February 2017

No, I didn't need another device, the motion sensor was working finally.

I ended up creating a scene to turn the lights in the room on using the motion sensor. As I suspected, if the light is triggered on and then is turned off manually any time before occupancy ends, or even afterward it's turned on and off without triggering motion, the next time I walk in the room the light won't turn on. It keys off the last state. I can understand why this is, though.

Anyway, all is good now.

nelis249 posted this 17 February 2017

@cowinger Not really sure I understand the Rooms feature. Scenes would perform the same function, lights on with motion, lights off without motion, and seem easier to understand.

cowinger posted this 17 February 2017


Dignan17 was trying to figure out how to use the room feature to turn on and off a light using motion. I was merely trying to help me get it to work. I did suggest the scene in an earlier post. He then decided to use a scene instead so in the end he got his scene to work and the room idea was forgotten.

Hope this straightens it out.

Dignan17 posted this 18 February 2017

Not quite. I'm using a scene to turn the lights on, and the room feature to handle occupancy detection. It works better than just a scene.

cowinger posted this 18 February 2017

Well I am glad you have found a fix for your situation. Also glad that there is no more confusion.

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