Chrome has a very helpful plugin called postman where I've created some API calls for performing common tasks inside InControl.

Step 1 is to install postman

Step 2 is to import my collection, linked below

Step 3 is to setup an environment. If you want mine, just create a txt file, save the follow JSON to it and then import it in. You'll need to change some values to match your setup.

{"id":"0ff6c2e2-3b54-6e6a-6c1c-f8cba8b1bbc3","name":"InControl HA Local","values":[{"key":"host","value":"localhost:1178/zwave"},{"key":"password","value":" "},{"key":"deviceId","value":"6de13397-b215-4550-9c67-f2d0420c993e"}],"timestamp":1358426536996}

Here's my latest Postman Collection: (Updated 5/15/2013)

If you'd like updates, watch this thread and I'll continue to post replies as I add more calls to the collection.