Has anyone tried using the free Splunk version to get a better look into their AC log file? Just curious. I was thinking I might give it a try.
Splunk For Log File
- Last Post 30 September 2017
posted this
22 September 2017
I'm pretty familiar with Splunk. What do you mean AC log file? Like your air conditioner?
posted this
22 September 2017
Sorry, AC was my abreviation for Axial Control. I was just wondering if anyone has used Splunk to do anythig cool with there Axial Control log file. I have Splunk now reading my log file but I am a Splunk beginer so I have not done much with it.
posted this
30 September 2017
Not sure really what you want from there. Splunk is just going to read the file and parse it. Is there a concept that you have in mind? Like you're looking for specific data.