Start As A Service Not Working

  • Last Post 16 November 2017
weidnerj posted this 16 November 2017

Using Axial Control Pro version 4.5.6460.188863 and it seems like the services option doesn't work.  If the PC reboots and no one is longed on, Axial Control doesn't work.  But if I log in and launch Axial Control, it works fine.  I checked and run as service is checked. 

If I had to make an educated guess, it is something to do with the name chance from InControl HA to when the program switched over to Axial Control as the service name.

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rscott posted this 16 November 2017

If you simply log on and go visit the Services control panel, does it say the service started up? Are there any error/crash logs in your Windows Application Event Log that might suggest it attempted to start but was unsuccesful?



weidnerj posted this 16 November 2017


Here are the Screen Shots.



rscott posted this 16 November 2017

 Does it show as running without you launching the application? You might try to set it to "delayed startup" as well; sometimes it can start up prior to the hardware drivers being ready for the USB stick.

weidnerj posted this 16 November 2017


Changing to delayed start worked.  It takes a few minutes after reboot for it to start, but not an issue.


Thank you.
