I'm trially the Pro Edition of Axial Server to try and setup a Z-Wave network to control some lights in a fairly basic fashion. I have a meeting room with 3 banks of LED lights, 4 lights in each row so a total of 12. I have a control PC (Win10 x64) with AxialServer 4.1.6325.20458 (Latest Stable) installed.
The PC has an Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 (ZW090), all the lights are connected to Aeotec Smart Switch 6 (ZW096) and I have x3 Aeotec Quad Wallmote's (ZW130).
I have sucessfuly paired all the devices to the Z-Stick, identified them all and renamed them in Axial. I then setup 30 second polling on each device and enabled Smart Route Polls.
My aim: Is to initially configure one Wallmote and then mirror the config to the other 2 Wallmotes (we need 3 Wallmotes all acting the same as the room is a huge meeting room with multiple entrances/exits):
Button 1 - All lights on
Button 2 - All lights off
Button 3 - Lights B2,B4,C2,C3 only.
Button 4 - Lights C1 & C4 only.
My issues so far:
- I've managed to set the scenes up in AxialServer no worries.
- The first Wallmote I have setup has a massive lag time between touching Button 1 and all the lights coming on. For instance I have just touched button 3 and it has taken 2 minutes for the lights to turn on and it takes the same amount of time for them to turn off.
- Sometimes when a button is pressed there is lag between the switches as well. For example If I press button 1 to turn all 12 switches on I might get 5 turn on after about 30 seconds but then a minute later the rest slowly turn on over maybe 15 seconds - just really strange.
- I have selected 'Mirrors' on Wallmote 1 and selected Wallmote 2 & 3 however it does not appear to be mirroring the config to these devices.
- My topology looks very wrong, I have moved icons around to visually represent our meeting room. There is a lot of red, I feel this may be why there is so much lag. (I have attached an image of my Topology - Screenshot-IMGUR)
- I've tried to 'Heal' the network but this has not fixed anything.
- The group associations is really confusing, I'm really unsure as to how these should be selected/setup to help me do what I am aiming. I know Group 2,4,6 & 8 corellate to Buttons 1,2,3,4 but does group association affect the Topology and therefore lag? Ideally I want the Wallmotes to communicate directly to the switches, I thought that was the whole point of the Z-wave to make a mesh network and route the commands through other devices quickly. I also understand group 1 associate is the 'Lifeline' (whatever that means) but for all my devices it has the Z-Stick already preselected in group 1 so I have not touched it and left it as is.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance