Telnet and CLI

  • Last Post 12 December 2013
monkey-magic posted this 12 December 2013

Squeezebox or Logitech media server.

I believe can get control through C or the CLI but I'm thinking might be a bit beyond me.


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Ryan-Scott posted this 12 December 2013

I'm trying to get control of my music at the moment. I know I can and have tested through Telnet/CLI and I can get control.

I don't know much about C but I'm assuming the only way to send CLI commands via telnet with InControl would be through the C scripts?

What kind of music system? Can you only control it through Telnet?

monkey-magic posted this 12 December 2013

Squeezebox or Logitech media server.

I believe can get control through C or the CLI but I'm thinking might be a bit beyond me.

