This isn't InControl specific, so i apologize if this isn't the appropriate place for this. I've had this setup for a couple of months & thought this would be of interest to other InControl users. You can use whatever mic you want but i've been using these far field mics. . They reliably pickup a 25' radius. Note these mics are really sensitive, you'll likely need to turn them down to less than 50%. Also turn off all effects in your soundcard.
There are other ways to communicate with InControl from EventGhost but for simplicity this example uses curl to launch InControl Scenes. So you'll need to have that installed and a working command line .exe. If you don't have that yet, follow this tutorial first.
Required software: EventGhost:
You'll also need to install the Voice Recognition plugin(and microsoft speech API) manually as described here.
[b]1st:[/b] Add the Voice Recognition plugin to your tree.
[b]2nd:[/b] Open the voice recognition plugin settings by double clicking on it within the tree.
I use the top set of words for my always active commands. The 2nd set of key words i use behind a trigger word(hey Jenny) & have it set to a lower accurucy. The bottom box is for excluded words/phrases.
Add the phrase you want to trigger your cmd line .exe into the top box. In my case that's going to be (Jenny lights please).
[b]3rd:[/b] Create a new(start application) macro. This will launch your cmd line script.
[b]4th:[/b] Create a new event with this text VoiceRecognition.Jenny lights please
. This is the event that will fire when the voice recognition plugin has a correct match.
When your done your tree should look like this.
Here is a example EventGhost tree:
I've found it's best to keep most commands behind trigger words to reduce false positives.
Here's an example tree of that:
You can take