3.7 Issues

  • Last Post 23 May 2013
fredget posted this 13 May 2013

Since upgrading to 3.7 I am running into a few issues.
1. my IP cameras are forever waiting for a snapshot, yet when I go to each the video is fine.
2. The Weather device show the coordinates for somewhere in China, not what I have set in options.
3. At least once but as many as 5 disconnects from the cloud almost on a daily basis.
I know this is an "Unofficial Release", so I expect to see some issues. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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Ryan-Scott posted this 14 May 2013

3 we've been able to narrow down to a problem with some hardware at our host (Rackspace). They are currently in the process of migrating the Cloud server to a new piece of hardware and they are confident that will resolve the problem.

I'll need to look into item #1 and #2. How are you able to determine that it's somewhere in China?

fredget posted this 14 May 2013

I guess I am over exaggerating a little. It Show it longitude latitude for Idaho Falls Idaho. Using your helpful "I'm lost" feature, I was able to put the coordinates in that are shown from the device and that's where it takes me...

Axial-User posted this 21 May 2013

What is the licensing model now? Every time IC starts I get a 'your maintenance has expired or is expiring' dialog. Is there going to be a monthly fee now? Just trying to understand where it's headed.


Ryan-Scott posted this 21 May 2013

What is the licensing model now? Every time IC starts I get a 'your maintenance has expired or is expiring' dialog. Is there going to be a monthly fee now? Just trying to understand where it's headed.


Nelis - I made a post explaining the licensing.

Hope this helps. Do let me know if you have any other questions.

MHickok posted this 23 May 2013

I also have a weird location in Weather. I am in Houston and the weather is indicated as being a lot colder than that weather we have! More frustrating though is I can't seem to be able to add a new 2nd motion detector. I have one already in the system and am trying to add a 2nd one.

THe log.txt has a on of timeouts and this is the end of it:

at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.BinarySwitch.BasicGet(l instance, Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel(Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel()
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.get
at MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.HaControllerInterface.Controllers.HaZWaveController.pollDevices() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.DeviceController\Controllers\HaZWaveController.cs:line 280
5/22/2013 6:58:28 PM: ZWave Device Count: 4
5/22/2013 6:58:30 PM: Error polling device level. NodeId 3 - ControlThink.ZWave.CommandTimeoutException
The command timed out before a response was received.

at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.BinarySwitch.BasicGet(l instance, Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel(Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel()
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.get
at MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.HaControllerInterface.Controllers.HaZWaveController.pollDevices() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.DeviceController\Controllers\HaZWaveController.cs:line 280
5/22/2013 6:58:45 PM: Service base running
5/22/2013 6:58:45 PM: Error with ZWaveCommandLocal - System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Access to the port 'COM3' is denied.

at MLS.HA.ZensysController.ZController.connect(String portName, Boolean retryConnections) in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.ZensysController\ZController.cs:line 153
at MLS.HA.ZensysController.ZController.connect() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.ZensysController\ZController.cs:line 127
at MLS.InControl.Gui.ZWaveCommandLocal..ctor(ZWaveCommand command) in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.InControl.Gui\ZWaveCommandLocal.xaml.cs:line 43
5/22/2013 6:58:51 PM: Error adding a new node with ZenSys library - System.InvalidOperationException
Cannot set Visibility or call Show, ShowDialog, or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle after a Window has closed.

Ryan-Scott posted this 23 May 2013

I also have a weird location in Weather. I am in Houston and the weather is indicated as being a lot colder than that weather we have! More frustrating though is I can't seem to be able to add a new 2nd motion detector. I have one already in the system and am trying to add a 2nd one.

The weather coordinates will be fixed in the next release, which should happen in the next day or two.

THe log.txt has a on of timeouts and this is the end of it:

at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.BinarySwitch.BasicGet(l instance, Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel(Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel()
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.get
at MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.HaControllerInterface.Controllers.HaZWaveController.pollDevices() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.DeviceController\Controllers\HaZWaveController.cs:line 280
5/22/2013 6:58:28 PM: ZWave Device Count: 4
5/22/2013 6:58:30 PM: Error polling device level. NodeId 3 - ControlThink.ZWave.CommandTimeoutException
The command timed out before a response was received.

at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.BinarySwitch.BasicGet(l instance, Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel(Boolean isBackgroundRequest)
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.GetLevel()
at ControlThink.ZWave.Devices.ZWaveDevice.get
at MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.HaControllerInterface.Controllers.HaZWaveController.pollDevices() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.DeviceController\Controllers\HaZWaveController.cs:line 280
5/22/2013 6:58:45 PM: Service base running
5/22/2013 6:58:45 PM: Error with ZWaveCommandLocal - System.UnauthorizedAccessException
Access to the port 'COM3' is denied.

at MLS.HA.ZensysController.ZController.connect(String portName, Boolean retryConnections) in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.ZensysController\ZController.cs:line 153
at MLS.HA.ZensysController.ZController.connect() in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.HA.ZensysController\ZController.cs:line 127
at MLS.InControl.Gui.ZWaveCommandLocal..ctor(ZWaveCommand command) in z:\work\mls\MLS.ZWave.Controller\MLS.InControl.Gui\ZWaveCommandLocal.xaml.cs:line 43
5/22/2013 6:58:51 PM: Error adding a new node with ZenSys library - System.InvalidOperationException
Cannot set Visibility or call Show, ShowDialog, or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle after a Window has closed.

The most glaring error is the "Access to the port COM3 is denied" - that can happen if another process is using your USB stick. If that happened while you were trying to add a new node, it's likely that the InControl server was using it still. To remedy, try going offline before choosing the Add device.

Also, you might consider switching to the Beta ZWave controller. It'll give you more options, especially when using the motion sensors -- of course, this will only work if you aren't using the ControlThink stick.

MHickok posted this 23 May 2013

I switched it OFFLINE and tried again and got same error. Then I tried offline AND manually stopped the service. I was then able to add the new motion detector.

Add'l question though. When you say Beta Zwave controller - is that a SETTING or a new device?

Ryan-Scott posted this 23 May 2013

Add'l question though. When you say Beta Zwave controller - is that a SETTING or a new device?

It's a setting in Tools/Options.
