Am I missing something? Is there a list of API calls one can make to Axial service using the C# scripting interface? A list with some notes about parameters would be nice or a header would even be useful. I have looked at the limited examples on GIT and postman, but they seem to show a small subset of what I would expect would be available. thanks.
Am I missing something
- Last Post 29 August 2016
posted this
26 August 2016
- Last edited 26 August 2016
Here are the most commonly used ones:
If you are wondering about specific ones, let me know and I can provide the needed info.
posted this
27 August 2016
The example you gave appears to use the web interface with get/put transactions and json structures. I was thinking more about the service API as shown here.
Are you deprecating the C# service interface for the web one? Seems that using loopback web access for in-app c# scripting is not ideal, as the script could not take advantage of some of the defined types like "thermostat" in that example.
posted this
29 August 2016
The link you posted actually still uses the same json api to retrieve data; it's just built into a nice wrapper.