Dry contatc replication

  • Last Post 22 December 2013
Axial-User posted this 25 November 2013

Bear with me here, please...
I have 5 cats. I have a cat door in the kitchen with a plastic flap, a magnetic closure, and an inside panel to sort of lock the whole thing. Sometimes one or more of my cats will refuse to come in at night, but I have to close the inside door anyway. I want to install a reed switch and contact sensor on the inside to close a contact in the rear doorbell circuit when the cat outside hits the flap. They do this all the time, but I don't always notice. What I want is:

Cat door flap > magnetic sensor > contact closure > Z-wave > momentary closure on doorbell circuit

How can I get this done? I have used X-10 for years, but I am an absolute newbie to Z-wave. I plan to have a Z-wave wall switch for outdoor lighting less than 3 feet from the cat door.

Any suggestions?


Just to be clear - the end result is that when the cat hits the door flap, you need to ring the door bell so that you know to unlock the door and let the cat in?

You could probably use the LFM-20 relay to ring your door bell if it's the kind that requires a couple of wires hooked into a doorbell button. Inside InControl, you'd use the "Auto toggle off" feature of the device to re-open the contact to the doorbell.

Is your magnetic sensor setup one where you could use something like this? If so, you could use that door sensor to trigger your LFM-20.

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n0vtn posted this 22 December 2013

What about putting a z-wave motion sensor just outside to sense the presence of the cat instead of the doorbell? It would be a lot easier to implement. I have a couple of Aeon Labs Multi sensors and they are sensitive enough to detect the presence of a cat.


Ryan-Scott posted this 25 November 2013

Bear with me here, please...
I have 5 cats. I have a cat door in the kitchen with a plastic flap, a magnetic closure, and an inside panel to sort of lock the whole thing. Sometimes one or more of my cats will refuse to come in at night, but I have to close the inside door anyway. I want to install a reed switch and contact sensor on the inside to close a contact in the rear doorbell circuit when the cat outside hits the flap. They do this all the time, but I don't always notice. What I want is:

Cat door flap > magnetic sensor > contact closure > Z-wave > momentary closure on doorbell circuit

How can I get this done? I have used X-10 for years, but I am an absolute newbie to Z-wave. I plan to have a Z-wave wall switch for outdoor lighting less than 3 feet from the cat door.

Any suggestions?


Just to be clear - the end result is that when the cat hits the door flap, you need to ring the door bell so that you know to unlock the door and let the cat in?

You could probably use the LFM-20 relay to ring your door bell if it's the kind that requires a couple of wires hooked into a doorbell button. Inside InControl, you'd use the "Auto toggle off" feature of the device to re-open the contact to the doorbell.

Is your magnetic sensor setup one where you could use something like this? If so, you could use that door sensor to trigger your LFM-20.
