Geo Fence

  • Last Post 07 December 2016
krishkal posted this 20 August 2016


Where is the documentation on how to set up the Geo Fence feature? Also, is this an Android-only feature, or is it available in iOS? If Android-only, are there any plans for iOS?



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rscott posted this 07 December 2016

If I add the multi-user security feature, will Axial allow us to set up multiple geofence location devices for the different users devices? 

You should already be able to do this. When you get your second phone, it'll show up as an additional device inside Axial Server and you can use that one to set up other fences and automation scenes. posted this 07 December 2016

If I add the multi-user security feature, will Axial allow us to set up multiple geofence location devices for the different users devices? posted this 30 November 2016

All appears to be working now with some time, changing to leveldisplayer, reconnection of the "push device" and increasing the geo fence perimeter.  Home location displaying a 2 when inside the geo fence.

Thank you for the assistance. posted this 28 November 2016

Thank you for the quick reply.

I am currently outside the geo fence and away from the server so I cannot check the local presence setting on the PC but the dashboard when last veiewed was not displaying a 0 or 1 it is blank.  My other devices register an output like temperature, lux, motion, etc.

In addition my android device shows multiple presence devices at the "off" status.  When inside the geo fence these same presence devices showed "off" too.

I will try modifying the size of the geo fence and see if this changes the presence device to register any output or change in level when inside the geo fence.


rscott posted this 28 November 2016

My geo fence location is set and I see a "presence device" on the Axial Incontrol server device but I cannot get it to register entry / exit to my geo fence location setup around my home.  It doesnt display 0 or 1 when in or out of the geo fence boundaries.   The device symbol when first registered is a ? but in Ryans geo fence video I noticed it is was level type device, so I changed it.

Hey Alvey, glad to have you around.

There are a few things to be aware of, all of which might be impacting what you are seeing-

  • To save on battery life, Android only sends the device location every few minutes.
  • The location can "jump" around if you are indoors or your "high accuracy" is turned off

In both cases, you can make your geo fence abnormally large. I've got mine set to about a third of a mile in size and it generally works pretty well. You may try this too - set it to a larger area, then get out of the area and stay out for 10-15 minutes to make sure the location is being updated, then head back into the fence and check if your values change. posted this 28 November 2016

Recently I purchased the Axial Incontrol server pro, Aeotec USB Gen5 stick and Fibaro sensor to begin playing with home automation.  I began trialling some basic alarm scenes and I have installed the app on my android phone to which I have been receiving notifications and it is listed as a "push" device.  

My geo fence location is set and I see a "presence device" on the Axial Incontrol server device but I cannot get it to register entry / exit to my geo fence location setup around my home.  It doesnt display 0 or 1 when in or out of the geo fence boundaries.   The device symbol when first registered is a ? but in Ryans geo fence video I noticed it is was level type device, so I changed it.

I would like to understand what I am missing or doing wrong, as I really would like this feature to work for future alarm / security, garage and door entry scenes.

Any help would be appreciated :)

krishkal posted this 21 August 2016

Thanks, will hang tight :)

rscott posted this 20 August 2016

At this time, it's Android only. Sorry - most of our users are Android, so that's where the feature ends up first for testing, etc. It's planned for iOS though, so hang tight :)

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  • krishkal
wingerco posted this 20 August 2016

I can try to explain how I did it for the android if you are interested, otherwise it is one for Ryan.

krishkal posted this 20 August 2016

Thanks, wingerco. I did see that video already. If you watch the video, you will notice that the actual part of setting up the geofences on the phone app is NOT covered in that video (it assumes you have done it), hence my question.

Also, as an iPhone user, I was hoping to do this with my phone, but I suspect this may be an Android only feature :(, so not available to me any way.

wingerco posted this 20 August 2016


Here is the link to the geo fence video from Ryan. As far as android only I think it is but Ryan can verify that.

Hope this helps.
