iPhone app missing from the App Store

  • Last Post 03 June 2022
n0vtn posted this 26 April 2021

My wife got a new iPhone about a month ago. The Axial Control app is not in the App Store anymore. It has been missing at least since early April 2021. 

Is it gone forever?

I searched the forum and only found a similar topic from 2019. Please forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere.


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  • rhandrich@gmail.com
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rhandrich@gmail.com posted this 03 May 2021

I think it's been missing longer than that but I can't get information of where and even when. An awful lot of pain to go through to install if I cannot control via my phone. 

rscott posted this 04 May 2021

This happens on a somewhat yearly basis. Apple decides they want to change the agreement they have with software vendors, or decides to implement some new process and they remove the app. It sometimes comes back fast, other times it takes a bit. It depends on Apple's mood and how much work they are requiring to re-instate the app. Hopefully this time it goes fast!

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  • krishkal
mike@cqsteel.com.au posted this 16 June 2021

Middle of June now, and no sign of Axial or Moonlit on itunes. Terrible timing to reload a device :(

da5id posted this 07 July 2021

And here we are, July and nothing. Judging by the state of the website and the latest release date of their software, I'm not certain this company is actually still in business. 

krishkal posted this 31 July 2021

Still not there :(

@da5id: "this company" is actually @rscott, who posted above on May 5th. I think this is a side/hobby project for him, and he works on it when he can, main job and life events permitting. It's a shame, because I think this is a very nice piece of software, AND a cloud service that does not charge subscription like all others do these days.

@rscott: I have been an Apple developer too, and they have never pulled my software off the shelf without giving me notice that they are doing, and for what reason. Have you logged into your developer account, and looked at what the problem may be? They are usually quite responsive to small business people like us and help get the issue resolved, if we are willing to work with them. Hope you can get this resolved soon.

CasualSurveyor posted this 06 October 2021

Looking for an update on the iOS app.

nigel1705 posted this 03 June 2022

Good afternoon, Is their any update on the app for the IPhone? I have just purchased a new IPhone 13 but can't find the app in the store.
