MIMOLite Analog Input

  • Last Post 30 September 2014
hdrider465@gmail.com posted this 29 January 2014

The MIMOLite is a single input device. The MIMO-2, 3, & 4 are slated for early 2015 release. That device is multi-channel and configurable for up to 4 total I/O with a maximum of 2 relay outputs. I asked them why if 2 relays are on the board with 4 input channels you cannot have more than 4. They weren't able to answer that and I have to wonder if it has to do with how the channels are processed. Any thoughts on how this new device will need to be processed to get the most out of it? I see this device as a handy tool to bridge non-zwave devices into the fold if the communications support it.

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Ryan-Scott posted this 29 January 2014

[quote=hdrider465@gmail.com]Has anyone used on of these? http://www.fortrezz.com/index.php/products/mimolite I am trying to use the Analog input - the device shows up in InControl and I con control the relay but cant seam to get the Analog input to show up?


Is this a multi-channel device? If so, you'll want to grab the latest alpha version with some basic MC support. If it's not an MC capable device, it may rely on reports to send data back and forth, in which case you'll need to associate the device with your USB stick.

hdrider465@gmail.com posted this 29 January 2014

[quote=Ryan Scott]Has anyone used on of these? http://www.fortrezz.com/index.php/products/mimolite I am trying to use the Analog input - the device shows up in InControl and I con control the relay but cant seam to get the Analog input to show up?

Is this a multi-channel device? If so, you'll want to grab the latest alpha version with some basic MC support. If it's not an MC capable device, it may rely on reports to send data back and forth, in which case you'll need to associate the device with your USB stick.[/quote]

Sounds like it rely's on reports ( Where can I get the Alpha Version?

Group 1: When the input is triggered or untriggered, the MIMOlite will automatically send a Basic Set command to turn on or off the device(s) associated with this group. Group 2: The MIMOlite will periodically (see Parameter 9 of Configuration Command Class below) send a MultiLevel Sensor report indicating the input’s analog voltage level. Group 3: If a power dropout occurs, the MIMOlite will send an Alarm Command Class report (if there is enough available residual power) Group 4: When the input is triggered or untriggered, the MIMOlite will automatically send a Binary Sensor report to this group’s associated device(s). Group 5: Pulse meter counts will be sent to this group’s associated device(s). This will be sent periodically at the same intervals as Association Group 2, MLS Report except that if the pulse meter count is unchanged the report will not be sent.

Notes: a) MLS Association Groups 2 and 5 transmissions do not attempt an explorer frame, if nodes do not ACK; b) If triggers occur too quickly, Association Group 1 or 4 reports can block transmissions if sent to a non-responding node; c) Upon a power dropout, the MIMOlite likely only has enough residual power to send to the first node in Association Group 3.

rjwerntz posted this 30 September 2014

The MIMOLite is a single input device. The MIMO-2, 3, & 4 are slated for early 2015 release. That device is multi-channel and configurable for up to 4 total I/O with a maximum of 2 relay outputs. I asked them why if 2 relays are on the board with 4 input channels you cannot have more than 4. They weren't able to answer that and I have to wonder if it has to do with how the channels are processed. Any thoughts on how this new device will need to be processed to get the most out of it? I see this device as a handy tool to bridge non-zwave devices into the fold if the communications support it.
