I have found a bug. Not sure if it is in the InControl software or if it is in the Aeon Labs Multi Sensor.
When the temperature goes below freezing I am getting a large value.
This morning for example the multi-sensor is reporting 11823.62 F while the actual air temperature is probably around 22 F.
I was using a couple of scenes to turn on a heated dog water bucket when the temperature gets below 34 degrees and to turn it off again when the temperature gets above 35 degrees. 11823 is certainly above 35 therefore the heat is off and the bucket is frozen. This isn't a one time issue either, it happens just about every morning lately. I have a workaround so no worries there, but there appears to be a problem with temperature conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit as I am sure 11823 is supposed to represent a negative number. For the record the issue shows up in the InControl software on my server, iPhone and Android tablet apps.


Edit/Correction: The issue does not show up on my iPhone as the iPhone app does not show the temperature from the Multi-sensor at all.