"Your server password is incorrect"

  • Last Post 16 July 2021
klimekt posted this 12 February 2019

For a while now the Axial Mobile app, when first started, displays "Starting up server connection" followed by a "Your server password is incorrect" popup. If I click Ok everything still displays and works correctly, it's just an annoyance to have that popup every time the app starts. I've checked my app settings and server settings and all the passwords seem to match. I'm also not using the direct connection, but if I clear the Server Password field under Direct Connection Settings, the main Server Password field gets cleared as well, and then I don't see any devices listed. Any help would be appreciated. 


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rscott posted this 12 February 2019

Is there a chance you have a second server running somewhere using your same axialcontrol.com account?

klimekt posted this 12 February 2019

I hope not lol! I only have one machine running as a server in my house and it should only be running one copy of the server software. 

rscott posted this 12 February 2019

Could you remove any special characters from your password and try again?

klimekt posted this 12 February 2019

The password is only lower and upper characters and numbers, no special characters

NFOtte posted this 16 July 2021

Just adding to this, my install has done this to me for years in the android app.  Everything is working, it just always pops up an error message about my password every time I open the app.  My password has special characters and is 18+ characters long.
