ZWave Service Causing WMI Spikes

  • Last Post 19 October 2016
rspoto posted this 29 September 2016

I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue with the system hosting Axial Control (latest version).  I updated to the latest to see if that fixed it, but it does not.

The MLS.ZWave service is causing WmiPrvSE to spike the CPU up to 50% every few seconds.  As soon as I offline the service, the spikes stop.

Is this normal, or is something wrong w/ my setup?  Running this on Windows 7, x64.


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rscott posted this 29 September 2016

Axial Server doesn't directly do anything with the Wmi service; however, I believe Wmi "records" things that happens on your computer, such as disk writes, memory usage, network usage, etc. Perhaps this causes it to spike as it watchs and records this type of usage.

I have Axial Server running on a little mini Windows 8 tablet with an Atom CPU and about 1 Gig of ram. My Wmi service goes up to about 2% every 3 or 4 seconds, but never more than that. It's probably similar to yours, though I cannot explain why yours goes up to 50%. It could be a setting on your computer that's more aggressively watching and recording. Granted, this is only a guess based on some googling around the internet. 


rspoto posted this 02 October 2016

Thanks for the reply.  FWIW, I'm running Win 7 in an ESXi VM.

This VM is used ONLY to run Axial Control, so I just disabled WMI and will see what happens. :)  The only listed dependencies on WMI as far as it's concerned I've already had disabled, so hopefully this calms things down a bit.

nelis249 posted this 19 October 2016

@rspoto Is this a fresh Win7 install? If so make sure it's patched and what not. You can use 'resmon' to see what type of resources WmiPrvSE is using (hard drive, ram, etc..). Also open event viewer and check application/system logs. WMI issues usually show up in there most of the time as warnings or errors. If you google around there will be articles about running sfc /scannow which will try to correct Windows problems. My machine as well trickles in around 1-3% CPU and I have multiple items running on my box. Which virtualization software you running? (vmwar, hyperv, virtual pc, etc...). It might be a compatibility with a virtual system.
