Feature Suggestions

  • Last Post 29 October 2013
n0vtn posted this 27 October 2013

I would like to suggest the following features.

1. Ability to import custom icons for the various devices we have connected. For example I have a fireplace controlled by a light switch. It would be nice if it didn't look like a light bulb, but import a graphic for a fireplace instead.

2. Web interface for the InControl software so I don't have to RDP to my server to make changes.

3. Some way to poll the devices about which mesh neighbors it can see and the relative signal strengths. Or the ability to make a map of the mesh.


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Ryan-Scott posted this 27 October 2013

I would like to suggest the following features.

1. Ability to import custom icons for the various devices we have connected. For example I have a fireplace controlled by a light switch. It would be nice if it didn't look like a light bulb, but import a graphic for a fireplace instead.

2. Web interface for the InControl software so I don't have to RDP to my server to make changes.

3. Some way to poll the devices about which mesh neighbors it can see and the relative signal strengths. Or the ability to make a map of the mesh.


Thanks for the suggestions? Could you create a user voice idea for each one and vote up according to your desired priority?

n0vtn posted this 29 October 2013

Ideas posted

